![]() Blue Service Invitation: Our Deacon Postulant Tamara Noel has a special invitation for you. This year, the season of Advent begins on December 1st and marks a sacred time of anticipation and preparation for the celebration of Christ's birth. For many, this season begins an exciting time of joy but can also evoke sadness and a deep sense of loss, as cherished memories weigh heavily upon our hearts, making it a time of emotional struggle amidst all the festive cheer. On Wednesday, December 11th at 5 pm, I invite you to join us for a special service in the sanctuary, for those who mourn during this Advent season. This quiet and gentle service will provide a sacred space of comfort and reflection whether you are mourning a loved one, a relationship, a pet, or even a dream. Starting December 1st, you are invited to bring any keepsakes that symbolize and honor your unique story of loss and grief. These keepsakes will be collected and stored at the church and then placed on a special altar for the evening service. You are welcome to bring mementos on the evening of the service as well. So join us on Wednesday, Dec 11th at 5:00 pm, for a spiritual time of reflection and renewal as we tend to our souls together and release our sorrow and hope to God, trusting that God’s light shines even in our darkest moments. Today is Celebration Sunday! Our 2025 Stewardship Campaign concludes today with a professionally catered lunch from Bobby Q’s! This will be a great time to celebrate our contributions of all kinds to St. Mark’s, as we look forward to being a blessing to each other, and to our community, in 2025. If you have not turned in your 2025 Pledge Card, please bring it with you and place it in the offering basket during the service. Church School: Our Church School for children and teens meets every Sunday from 9:00am to 9:45am. Pre-K through 2nd Grade kids meet in Room 7 with Ebele Ubosi and Kathy Smith, and Kids Grade 3 and up meet in Room 2 with Judy Hossack and Jeanette Rogers. Registration forms are available in the classrooms. Food Pantry: Set-up days: November 11th and 25th, 7-9am Distribution: November 12th and 26th, 8-10:30am Volunteers are welcomed! God Bless everyone for supporting our mission to help the food insecure in Mesa! Thrift Store: Mark Downs thrift store is open every Food Pantry Tuesday from 8-11, Sundays before church, Friday from 9-1 and will also be open every Saturday 9-1 beginning November 2nd. You will find great sales every day and remember everything is 1/2 for parishioners and friends on Sundays as a thank you for your support. Every body loves a sale so we are celebrating Black Friday sales the whole month of November. New items for Holiday shopping added daily. Come support your church by shopping, working and/or donating to our thrift store. CURRENT SERVICES: You can join us for services live at the following times, or watch the recording any time at your convenience:
![]() Mark Your Calendars! Our 2025 Stewardship Campaign concludes on Sunday November 24th with a professionally catered lunch right after our 10am worship service. This will be a great time to celebrate our contributions of all kinds to St. Mark’s, as we look forward to being a blessing to each other, and to our our community, in 2025. Please RSVP, so we can give the BBQ caterer the number attending, by email to [email protected] or by signing up on the sheet on the back table. Happy News! Mr. And Mrs. Cliff and Cyndi Burton were married yesterday, November 16, 2024 at 10am, right here at St. Mark’s! We wish Cliff and Cyndi all the happiness in the world as they begin their new life together as husband and wife. Community Outreach Project: We are collecting empty clear pill bottles, with lids. They will be used to make small sewing kits to be handed out at the Food Pantry. Items needed are: Sewing needles, thread, patches, mini scissors, buttons, etc. For more information, please contact Dave Klataske. Church School: Our Church School for children and teens meets every Sunday from 9:00am to 9:45am. Pre-K through 2nd Grade kids meet in Room 7 with Ebele Ubosi and Kathy Smith, and Kids Grade 3 and up meet in Room 2 with Judy Hossack and Jeanette Rogers. Registration forms are available in the classrooms. Food Pantry: Set-up days: November 11th and 25th, 7-9am Distribution: November 12th and 26th, 8-10:30am Volunteers are welcomed! God Bless everyone for supporting our mission to help the food insecure in Mesa! Thrift Store: Mark Downs thrift store is open every Food Pantry Tuesday from 8-11, Sundays before church, Friday from 9-1 and will also be open every Saturday 9-1 beginning November 2nd. You will find great sales every day and remember everything is 1/2 for parishioners and friends on Sundays as a thank you for your support. Every body loves a sale so we are celebrating Black Friday sales the whole month of November. New items for Holiday shopping added daily. Come support your church by shopping, working and/or donating to our thrift store. Cursillo: Are you interested in learning more about "Cursillo"? St. Mark's has an active Cursillo group and pamphlets are available in the Narthex. Daughters of the King: The Daughters of the King are collecting supplies for the Battered Woman's Center. There is an information sheet in the Narthex. Bible Study Groups: There are two Bible Study Groups here at St. Mark’s. One is on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8PM via Zoom. The other is an in person group that meets in the St. Mark’s Conference Room on Saturday morning from 10 to 11:30AM. To join the Tuesday group, please contact Eric Hultquist or Mary Lou Burgess and to join the Saturday group, please contact Carolyn Bourne. Anglican Rosary: Following the 10am service, Dave Klataske will be hosting Rosary Prayer in the small chapel room next to the Sanctuary. All are welcome. CURRENT SERVICES: You can join us for services live at the following times, or watch the recording any time at your convenience:
![]() Mark Your Calendars! Our 2025 Stewardship Campaign concludes on Sunday November 24th with a professionally catered lunch right after our 10am worship service. This will be a great time to celebrate our contributions of all kinds to St. Mark’s, as we look forward to being a blessing to each other, and to our our community, in 2025. Please RSVP, so we can give the BBQ caterer the number attending, by email to [email protected] or by signing up on the sheet on the back table. Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. - Ephesians 5:1-2, NRSV Community Outreach Project: We are collecting empty clear pill bottles, with lids. They will be used to make small sewing kits to be handed out at the Food Pantry. Items needed are: Sewing needles, thread, patches, mini scissors, buttons, etc. For more information, please contact Dave Klataske. Church School: Our Church School for children and teens meets every Sunday from 9:00am to 9:45am. Pre-K through 2nd Grade kids meet in Room 7 with Ebele Ubosi and Kathy Smith, and Kids Grade 3 and up meet in Room 2 with Judy Hossack and Jeanette Rogers. Registration forms are available in the classrooms. Food Pantry: Set-up days: November 11th and 25th, 7-9am Distribution: November 12th and 26th, 8-10:30am Volunteers are welcomed! God Bless everyone for supporting our mission to help the food insecure in Mesa! Thrift Store: Mark Downs thrift store is open every Food Pantry Tuesday from 8-11, Sundays before church, Friday from 9-1 and will also be open every Saturday 9-1 beginning November 2nd. You will find great sales every day and remember everything is 1/2 for parishioners and friends on Sundays as a thank you for your support. Every body loves a sale so we are celebrating Black Friday sales the whole month of November. New items for Holiday shopping added daily. Come support your church by shopping, working and/or donating to our thrift store. Cursillo: Are you interested in learning more about "Cursillo"? St. Mark's has an active Cursillo group and pamphlets are available in the Narthex. Daughters of the King: The Daughters of the King are collecting supplies for the Battered Woman's Center. There is an information sheet in the Narthex. Bible Study Groups: There are two Bible Study Groups here at St. Mark’s. One is on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8PM via Zoom. The other is an in person group that meets in the St. Mark’s Conference Room on Saturday morning from 10 to 11:30AM. To join the Tuesday group, please contact Eric Hultquist or Mary Lou Burgess and to join the Saturday group, please contact Carolyn Bourne. Anglican Rosary: Following the 10am service, Dave Klataske will be hosting Rosary Prayer in the small chapel room next to the Sanctuary. All are welcome. CURRENT SERVICES: You can join us for services live at the following times, or watch the recording any time at your convenience:
![]() Recital: Today at 4pm in the Nave, there will be a recital presented by Desert Sounds. Desert Sounds is a non-profit music school that teaches children of all ages the joys of music. Community Outreach Project: We are collecting empty clear pill bottles, with lids. They will be used to make small sewing kits to be handed out at the Food Pantry. Items needed are: Sewing needles, thread, patches, mini scissors, buttons, etc. For more information, please contact Dave Klataske. Church School: Our Church School for children and teens meets every Sunday from 9:00am to 9:45am. Pre-K through 2nd Grade kids meet in Room 7 with Ebele Ubosi and Kathy Smith, and Kids Grade 3 and up meet in Room 2 with Judy Hossack and Jeanette Rogers. Registration forms are available in the classrooms. Food Pantry: Set-up days: November 11th and 25th, 7-9am Distribution: November 12th and 26th, 8-10:30am Volunteers are welcomed! God Bless everyone for supporting our mission to help the food insecure in Mesa! Thrift Store: Mark Downs thrift store is open every Food Pantry Tuesday from 8-11, Sundays before church, Friday from 9-1 and will also be open every Saturday 9-1 beginning November 2nd. You will find great sales every day and remember everything is 1/2 for parishioners and friends on Sundays as a thank you for your support. Every body loves a sale so we are celebrating Black Friday sales the whole month of November. New items for Holiday shopping added daily. Come support your church by shopping, working and/or donating to our thrift store. Cursillo: Are you interested in learning more about "Cursillo"? St. Mark's has an active Cursillo group and pamphlets are available in the Narthex. Daughters of the King: The Daughters of the King are collecting supplies for the Battered Woman's Center. There is an information sheet in the Narthex. Bible Study Groups: There are two Bible Study Groups here at St. Mark’s. One is on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8PM via Zoom. The other is an in person group that meets in the St. Mark’s Conference Room on Saturday morning from 10 to 11:30AM. To join the Tuesday group, please contact Eric Hultquist or Mary Lou Burgess and to join the Saturday group, please contact Carolyn Bourne. Anglican Rosary: Following the 10am service, Dave Klataske will be hosting Rosary Prayer in the small chapel room next to the Sanctuary. All are welcome. CURRENT SERVICES: You can join us for services live at the following times, or watch the recording any time at your convenience:
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.
February 2025
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.