![]() Ministry Fair: Thank you to all of the Ministry Leaders for making the Ministry Fair a Great success! Thank you also to all who participated by attending! Church School: Our Church School for children and teens meets every Sunday from 9:00am to 9:45am. Pre-K through 2nd Grade kids meet in Room 7 with Ebele Ubosi and Kathy Smith, and Kids Grade 3 and up meet in Room 2 with Judy Hossack and Jeanette Rogers. Registration forms are available in the classrooms. Please save your used magazines for the PreK-2nd Grade church school class: Instead of tossing your magazines and catalogs in your recycle barrel, bring them to church. There is a container in the Narthex in which to deposit them. The children of St. Mark's and their teachers thank you! Food Pantry: Set-up days: October 14th and October 28th, 7-9am Distribution: October 15th and October 29th, 8-10:30am Volunteers are welcomed! God Bless everyone for supporting our mission to help the food insecure in Mesa! Cursillo: Are you interested in learning more about "Cursillo"? St. Mark's has an active Cursillo group and pamphlets are available in the Narthex. Daughters of the King: The Daughters of the King are collecting supplies for the Battered Woman's Center. There is an information sheet in the Narthex. Bible Study Groups: There are two Bible Study Groups here at St. Mark’s. One is on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8PM via Zoom. The other is an in person group that meets in the St. Mark’s Conference Room on Saturday morning from 10 to 11:30AM. To join the Tuesday group, please contact Eric Hultquist or Mary Lou Burgess and to join the Saturday group, please contact Carolyn Bourne. Anglican Rosary: Following the 10am service, Dave Klataske will be hosting Rosary Prayer in the small chapel room next to the Sanctuary. All are welcome. CURRENT SERVICES: You can join us for services live at the following times, or watch the recording any time at your convenience:
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February 2025
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.