Invest In Hope: Herodias’ daughter went and said to her mother, “What should I ask for?” Mark 6:24
While hating the gruesome answer Herodias gave her daughter, we can acknowledge that the girl’s question was a good one. What should we ask for? It’s not too different from the question in the parable of the Good Samaritan: So who is my neighbor? Good stewards ask these questions a lot, as they strive to respond to Jesus call to love one another. Mask Update: Following NEW updates from the CDC and the Diocesan Office, the St. Mark’s Bishop’s Committee has decided to update the Mask Mandate. Going forward, individuals who have been vaccinated may now attend worship services without masks if they choose. Mask wearing continues to be mandatory for people who are not fully vaccinated. We do ask that you still observe social distancing. If you feel that you are vulnerable, please continue to wear your mask. If you are sick, please stay home. All services will continue to be broadcast online. MarkDowns Thrift Store: The thrift store will be closed for the summer. July Tithing: St. Mark’s is still present and desperately needs your support. If you normally bring an envelope with a check to church, you can instead mail that envelope to the church office, at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 322 N Horne St, Mesa, AZ 85203. If you usually give loose cash to the church, you can instead write a check and mail, or you can donate via the PayPal button on the right or here through FaithStreet - on the "Choose a Fund" drop down menus, scroll to choose "St. Mark's, Mesa". You can also do online payments through your bank, through the Bill Pay option. You could even set up a recurring payment through your bank if you wish, so you will not forget. God Bless and Stay Safe, Dianne Nunez, Stewardship/Finance Chair. Looking for a Social Media Team for St. Mark's: If you are active on social media and love St. Mark's, we're looking for you! We want to develop a social media team to help coordinate our communication and engage our congregation on all our social media platforms - currently Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, in both English and Spanish. If you are interested in volunteering, have suggestions, or would like more information, please contact Anali Perry at [email protected]. Upcoming Ministry Meetings: NONE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Mark Your Calendars:
CURRENT SERVICES: You can join us for services live at the following times, or watch the recording any time at your convenience:
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January 2025
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.