![]() Our guest Preacher and Deacon this morning is the Rev. Patrice Taylor. Patrice serves as the Deacon at All Saints Episcopal Church in Phoenix. Church School: Our Church School will start back up NEXT Sunday, September 8th from 9:00am to 9:45am. Kids ages Pre-K through 2nd Grade will meet in Room 7 with Kathy Smith. Kids ages Grade 3 and up will meet in Room 2 with Judy Hossack and Jeanette Rogers. Registration forms will be available next Sunday Sept 8th in the classrooms. Mark your calendars! Following our 10am service on Sunday September 29, St. Mark’s will be having a Ministry Fair in our parish hall. This will be your opportunity to learn about all of our different ministries at St. Mark’s, and how you can use the unique talents God has given you to bless others by participating in one or more of these ministries. Food Pantry: Set-up days: September 9th and September 23rd, 7-9am Distribution: September 10th and September 24th, 8-10:30am Volunteers are welcomed! God Bless everyone for supporting our mission to help the food insecure in Mesa! Thrift Store: The Mark Downs Thrift Store will reopen Friday September 20, 2024. Store hours will be 9am to 1pm. Due to staffing shortages , the store will only be open on Friday, Food Pantry Tuesday, and Sunday before the 10 am service. We will add more days as the year progresses. We currently have Halloween costumes and decor at bargain prices. Daughters of the King: The Daughters of the King are collecting supplies for the Battered Woman's Center. There is an information sheet in the Narthex. Bible Study Groups: There are two Bible Study Groups here at St. Mark’s. One is on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8PM via Zoom. The other is an in person group that meets in the St. Mark’s Conference Room on Saturday morning from 10 to 11:30AM. To join the Tuesday group, please contact Eric Hultquist or Mary Lou Burgess and to join the Saturday group, please contact Carolyn Bourne. Anglican Rosary: Following the 10am service, Dave Klataske will be hosting Rosary Prayer in the small chapel room next to the Sanctuary. All are welcome. CURRENT SERVICES: You can join us for services live at the following times, or watch the recording any time at your convenience:
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February 2025
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.