BaptismBaptism is one of the primary sacraments of the Church. We believe Holy Baptism, by water and the Holy Spirit, to be the outward sign by which we are initiated into Christ’s Body, the Church. Baptism is open to all who seek a deeper life in Christ. The Episcopal Church welcomes any, regardless of age, to receive the sacrament of Baptism.
In baptism we are united to God in Christ and receive the Holy Spirit. In baptism we enter a Covenant with God, and promise to be active members of the worshiping community, seeking to strengthen our faith by worship and study, and to help bring God’s love into the world. When we come for baptism we are saying “yes” to God. |
ConfirmationConfirmation is one of the sacraments of the Church whereby a baptized candidate makes a mature profession of faith in the presence of a Bishop. In Confirmation, the candidate chooses to claim for themselves the baptismal promises made on their behalf by parents and/or godparents at an earlier date. Confirmation is the commitment of one’s life to Jesus Christ. The Bishop then “confirms” the gift of the Holy Spirit through the laying-on-of-hands as a means of strengthening the candidate on their life’s journey.
ReceptionThe Episcopal Church recognizes and welcomes those who have been Confirmed by a Bishop in historic succession (Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Orthodox). Reception offers the candidate a chance to reaffirm their baptismal vows and to be welcomed as a full member in the Episcopal Church.
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