Sunday Services
Misa en EspañolEsto verano, nostoros estaremos cominando nuestro servicio a las ocho y nuestro sevicio a las diez en un solo servicio a las diez. Pero, haremos estos solo para el verano: para junio, julio, y agosto. Y luego, a partir de septiembre, nuestro plan sera vover a tener dos servicios: un nuevo servicio en espanol y un servicio en ingles. Espero que nos lo hagas saber como podemos ser una bedicion para ti y tu familia.
This Spanish-language service is presented using Rite II, with music performed by Chris Perry, and the St. Mark's Mariachis on special holidays. |
10:00 A.M. English ServiceThis service features a blend of the Book of Common Prayer and contemporary liturgy, The music for this service is an eclectic mix of traditional hymns and praise performed by the St. Mark’s Singers and led by Music Director Chris Perry.
On special occasions, such as holidays or St. Mark's Day, we may worship at different times on Sundays - please see the home page for any exceptions to our regular service times.
The Lion’s Den |
The Lion's Den is our fellowship coffee hour, held after the 10:00 service, to share refreshments and fellowship.