![]() Today's Readings: Genesis 45:3-11, 15; Psalm 37:1-12, 41-42; 1 Corinthians 15:35-38,42-50; Luke 6:27-38 Noticias Re"Mark"ados (Anuncios en español) Together in Faith: “But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.” Luke 6:27-28 These words of Jesus have always been difficult to follow, but in today’s world, even more so. Division and anger abound, with many families divided within themselves. Love, patience, listening, an attempt to understand… perhaps these are the virtues we need most today. Bishop's Committee Parishioner Liaison: Every week there is an assigned member of the Bishop's Committee to serve as a Parishioner Liaison. We encourage parishioners to seek out this assigned member whenever there is a suggestion, question or concern. The liaisons will bring all comments to the monthly meeting of the Bishop's Committee to be addressed as appropriate. This week’s Parishioner Liaison is Judy Hossack. Chapel Rock Sunday: Bishop Smith has designated March 3rd as Chapel Rock Sunday throughout the Diocese. On that day, the Bishop is asking each church and congregation members to support the newly created Bishop Kirk Smith Children & Youth Campership Fund. The experiences that our campers have at Chapel Rock are life changing and extraordinary. Every year, when we read camper evaluations, camper after camper says, "That was the best week of my summer!" It is fun, Christ-centered, and provides the opportunity to grow closer to God through the beauty and power of our Episcopal Church traditions. Help send children and youth to camp this summer! There will be a collection taken to support the campership fund Sunday, March 3rd. You can also contribution online at http://bit.ly/BpSmithCamp (note the URL is case sensitive). Join Us for our Lenten Program: On Wednesdays during Lent, we will begin with Stations of the Cross at 10 am, followed by the healing Eucharist as usual. After the service, there will be a Lenten Program and everyone is encouraged to bring a bag lunch. On Fridays, we will begin with the Soup Supper at 6 pm in Knight Hall with Lenten Program during dinner, followed by Stations of the Cross inside the church. This year’s Lenten Program is “Back to the Basics”, a comprehensive review of the bible and the Anglican tradition; vestments and vessels; church etiquette and protocols. Sale at MarkDowns: The Thrift Store will have NEW UNUSED items for sale on Sundays during the coffee hour, between 8:45 and 9:45. So come and browse and make your selections. The Thrift Store continues to be opened on Sundays from 8:45-9:45 AM., between the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM services. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Full announcements (pdf) ![]() Today's Readings: Jeremiah 17:5-10; Psalm 1; 1 Corinthians 15:12-20; Luke 6:17-26 Noticias Re"Mark"ados (Anuncios en español) Together in Faith: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” Luke 6:20 As Christians, we embrace the mystery that God’s plan, revealed in Jesus, is being fulfilled at a time and way beyond our understanding. It may be a mystery but it surely includes our participation. As stewards, we are called to aid the poor and many others too. By our efforts, we help to bring the Kingdom of God into our world. Bishop's Committee Parishioner Liaison: Every week there is an assigned member of the Bishop's Committee to serve as a Parishioner Liaison. We encourage parishioners to seek out this assigned member whenever there is a suggestion, question or concern. The liaisons will bring all comments to the monthly meeting of the Bishop's Committee to be addressed as appropriate. This week’s Parishioner Liaison is Ebele Ubosi. Join Us for our Lenten Program: On Wednesdays during Lent, we will begin with Stations of the Cross at 10 am, followed by the healing Eucharist as usual. After the service, there will be a Lenten Program and everyone is encouraged to bring a bag lunch. On Fridays, we will begin with the Soup Supper at 6 pm in Knight Hall with Lenten Program during dinner, followed by Stations of the Cross inside the church. This year’s Lenten Program is “Back to the Basics”, a comprehensive review of the bible and the Anglican tradition; vestments and vessels; church etiquette and protocols. Sale at MarkDowns: The Thrift Store will have NEW UNUSED items for sale on Sundays during the coffee hour, between 8:45 and 9:45. So come and browse and make your selections. The Thrift Store continues to be opened on Sundays from 8:45-9:45 AM., between the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM services. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Full announcements (pdf) ![]() Today's Readings: Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 138; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11 Noticias Re"Mark"ados (Anuncios en español) Together in Faith: When they had brought their boats to shore, Simon, James and John left everything and followed Jesus. Luke 5:11 They ‘left everything and followed Jesus.’ What a simple statement for such an incredible response! Obviously these three men were just blown away by Jesus, as would many others in the days to come. We too are called to respond to Jesus’ call… few will ‘leave everything’ but we can well ask: what is our response? Bishop's Committee Parishioner Liaison: Every week there is an assigned member of the Bishop's Committee to serve as a Parishioner Liaison. We encourage parishioners to seek out this assigned member whenever there is a suggestion, question or concern. The liaisons will bring all comments to the monthly meeting of the Bishop's Committee to be addressed as appropriate. This week’s Parishioner Liaison is Caleb Collins. Join Us for our Lenten Program: On Wednesdays during Lent, we will begin with Stations of the Cross at 10 am, followed by the healing Eucharist as usual. After the service, there will be a Lenten Program and everyone is encouraged to bring a bag lunch. On Fridays, we will begin with the Soup Supper at 6 pm in Knight Hall with Lenten Program during dinner, followed by Stations of the Cross inside the church. This year’s Lenten Program is “Back to the Basics”, a comprehensive review of the bible and the Anglican tradition; vestments and vessels; church etiquette and protocols. Sale at MarkDowns: The Thrift Store will have NEW UNUSED items for sale on Sundays during the coffee hour, between 8:45 and 9:45. So come and browse and make your selections. The Thrift Store continues to be opened on Sundays from 8:45-9:45 AM., between the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM services. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Full Announcements (pdf) Today's Readings: Jeremiah 1:4-10; Psalm 71:1-6; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13; Luke 4:21-30
Noticias Re"Mark"ados (Anuncios en español) Together in Faith: Everyone spoke well of Jesus and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth. Luke 4:22 Soon after these words of praise, the people of Nazareth changed their minds and tried to kill Jesus. During his ministry Jesus was frequently praised and condemned, and through it all, he strove to remain faithful to God’s call. His fortitude and persistence are examples for us to follow. Bishop's Committee Parishioner Liaison: Every week there is an assigned member of the Bishop's Committee to serve as a Parishioner Liaison. We encourage parishioners to seek out this assigned member whenever there is a suggestion, question or concern. The liaisons will bring all comments to the monthly meeting of the Bishop's Committee to be addressed as appropriate. This week’s Parishioner Liaison is Jeanette Rogers. Sale at MarkDowns: The Thrift Store will have NEW UNUSED items for sale on Sundays during the coffee hour, between 8:45 and 9:45. So come and browse and make your selections. The Thrift Store continues to be opened on Sundays from 8:45-9:45 AM., between the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM services. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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February 2025
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.