![]() Today's Readings: Hosea 1:2-10; Psalm 85; Colossians 2:6-19; Luke 11:1-13 Noticias Re"Mark"ados (anuncios en español) Together in Faith: Father, hallowed be your name, may your kingdom come - and give us each day our daily bread. Luke 11:2-3 Honoring God’s name and praying for the coming of God’s kingdom is followed immediately by the request for food! Lofty goals and simple needs. Apparently God’s kingdom involves simple things like feeding the hungry and caring for the needy. Back to School: The Food Pantry volunteers will be giving out backpacks and school supplies during the July food distributions. There will be a donation box in the Narthex on July Sundays . Suggested donations are: Note paper, pens, pencils, markers, glue, scissors, rulers, file folders, crayons. Thank you for helping kids start the school year feeling prepared to succeed. Bishop’s Visit: Our new Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Jennifer A. Reddall, will be visiting St. Mark’s on Sunday, September 29. We will have ONE bilingual service at 10 am with a potluck to follow in Knight Hall. As customary, the Bishop will be conducting Confirmations, Receptions and Reaffirmations of Baptismal Vows. If you are interested in becoming confirmed, received or reaffirming your baptismal vows in the Episcopal Church, please contact Fr. Gerardo. Episcopal Night at Chase Field: The Arizona Diamondbacks invite all members of the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona, along with their family, friends, and neighbors to enjoy a time of fellowship and cheer on the D-backs as they host the Cincinnati Reds on Friday, Sept. 13 at 6:40 pm. Additional information is available on the flyers in the Narthex. Women’s Shelter: Daughters of the King will be accepting donations for the East Valley Women’s Center. Please place hygiene products in the box provided in the narthex. We would like toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, socks, underwear, and other feminine hygiene products. MarkDowns Thrift Store: The Thrift Store will be open on Fridays only during the month of August (except Food Pantry Tuesdays). The store will remain open on Sundays in between services from 8:45-9:45 am. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Full announcements (pdf) ![]() Today's Readings: Amos 8:1-12; Psalm 52; Colossians 1:15-28; Luke 10:38-42 Noticias Re"Mark"ados (anuncios en español) Together in Faith: Abraham set (the food) before the three men and waited on them while they ate. Genesis 18:8 Stewardship usually involves caring for others, as Abraham does in this reading. Waiting on others can seem time-consuming and a bother, but it’s been the way of God’s people from the beginning. OFFICE CLOSED: The church office will be closed on Friday, July 26. Fr. Harold Knight: The parish of St. Mark’s will honor and celebrate the Rev. Cannon Harold S. Knight’s 107th birthday on Sunday, July 21st. His actual birth date is July 26th. Fr. Knight served St. Mark’s from 1957 to 1977. Our parish hall has been named in his honor. He lives in his home in Mesa and he and his wife, Edithanne, are doing well, according to their caregiver. We will have a cake in his honor and would like to “shower” him with birthday cards. Cards may be mailed to the office, and we will have a basket in the Narthex and one in Knight Hall to collect the cards which will be delivered to him. If you have any questions, please see Jeanette Rogers. Even if you do not know him, please send him a card. Back to School: The Food Pantry volunteers will be giving out backpacks and school supplies during the July food distributions. There will be a donation box in the Narthex on July Sundays . Suggested donations are: Note paper, pens, pencils, markers, glue, scissors, rulers, file folders, crayons. Thank you for helping kids start the school year feeling prepared to succeed. Bishop’s Visit: Our new Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Jennifer A. Reddall, will be visiting St. Mark’s on Sunday, September 29. We will have ONE bilingual service at 10 am with a potluck to follow in Knight Hall. As customary, the Bishop will be conducting Confirmations, Receptions and Reaffirmations of Baptismal Vows. If you are interested in becoming confirmed, received or reaffirming your baptismal vows in the Episcopal Church, please contact Fr. Gerardo. Episcopal Night at Chase Field: The Arizona Diamondbacks invite all members of the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona, along with their family, friends, and neighbors to enjoy a time of fellowship and cheer on the D-backs as they host the Cincinnati Reds on Friday, Sept. 13 at 6:40 pm. Additional information is available on the flyers in the Narthex and online. Women’s Shelter: Daughters of the King will be accepting donations for the East Valley Women’s Center. Please place hygiene products in the box provided in the narthex. We would like toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, socks, underwear, and other feminine hygiene products. MarkDowns Thrift Store: The Thrift Store will be closed during the month of July (except Food Pantry Tuesdays) and open on Fridays only during the month of June and August (except Food Pantry Tuesdays). The store will remain open on Sundays in between services from 8:45 -9:45 am. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Full announcements (pdf) ![]() Today's Readings: Amos 7:7-17; Psalm 82; Colossians 1:1-14; Luke 10:25-37 Noticias Re"Mark"ados (anuncios en español) Together in Faith: The man asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” Luke 10:29 Few questions are fraught with more angst and controversy than this simple one: who is my neighbor? In answer, Jesus pointed to a Samaritan, the Jews’ despised and hated long-time antagonist. Who would we point to today? Fr. Harold Knight: The parish of St. Mark’s will honor and celebrate the Rev. Cannon Harold S. Knight’s 107th birthday on Sunday, July 21st. His actual birth date is July 26th. Fr. Knight served St. Mark’s from 1957 to 1977. Our parish hall has been named in his honor. He lives in his home in Mesa and he and his wife, Edithanne, are doing well, according to their caregiver. We will have a cake in his honor and would like to “shower” him with birthday cards. Cards may be mailed to the office, and we will have a basket in the Narthex and one in Knight Hall to collect the cards which will be delivered to him. If you have any questions, please see Jeanette Rogers. Even if you do not know him, please send him a card. Back to School: The Food Pantry volunteers will be giving out backpacks and school supplies during the July food distributions. There will be a donation box in the Narthex on July Sundays . Suggested donations are: Note paper, pens, pencils, markers, glue, scissors, rulers, file folders, crayons. Thank you for helping kids start the school year feeling prepared to succeed. Bishop’s Visit: Our new Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Jennifer A. Reddall, will be visiting St. Mark’s on Sunday, September 29. We will have ONE bilingual service at 10 am with a potluck to follow in Knight Hall. As customary, the Bishop will be conducting Confirmations, Receptions and Reaffirmations of Baptismal Vows. If you are interested in becoming confirmed, received or reaffirming your baptismal vows in the Episcopal Church, please contact Fr. Gerardo. Episcopal Night at Chase Field: The Arizona Diamondbacks invite all members of the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona, along with their family, friends, and neighbors to enjoy a time of fellowship and cheer on the D-backs as they host the Cincinnati Reds on Friday, Sept. 13 at 6:40 pm. Additional information is available on the flyers in the Narthex and online. Women’s Shelter: Daughters of the King will be accepting donations for the East Valley Women’s Center. Please place hygiene products in the box provided in the narthex. We would like toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, socks, underwear, and other feminine hygiene products. MarkDowns Thrift Store: The Thrift Store will be closed during the month of July (except Food Pantry Tuesdays) and open on Fridays only during the month of June and August (except Food Pantry Tuesdays). The store will remain open on Sundays in between services from 8:45 -9:45 am. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Full announcements (pdf) ![]() Today's Readings: 2 Kings 5:1-14; Psalm 30; Galatians 6:1-16; Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 Noticias Re"Mark"ados (anuncios en español) Together in Faith: The Lord says…“As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you." Isaiah 66:1,13 We’re used to thinking of God as father, but God as mother is also a biblical image. How can we project God’s maternal comfort to those in need of it? Fr. Harold Knight: The parish of St. Mark’s will honor and celebrate the Rev. Cannon Harold S. Knight’s 107th birthday on Sunday, July 21st. His actual birth date is July 26th. Fr. Knight served St. Mark’s from 1957 to 1977. Our parish hall has been named in his honor. He lives in his home in Mesa and he and his wife, Edithanne, are doing well, according to their caregiver. We will have a cake in his honor and would like to “shower” him with birthday cards. Cards may be mailed to the office, and we will have a basket in the Narthex and one in Knight Hall to collect the cards which will be delivered to him. He continues to practice his passion of writing poetry and we include one of his most recent. If you have any questions, please see Jeanette Rogers. Even if you do not know him, please send him a card. I cannot go to Church these days But in spirit I am there. I read the Sunday lessons. We are one in praise and prayer. I miss familiar faces But I see them in my mind. I give my alms for the work of Christ. A willing pledge I signed. Evil cannot conquer good; Christ’s teaching will always last. When this is truly understood With Christ our lot is cast. Back to School: The Food Pantry volunteers will be giving out backpacks and school supplies during the July food distributions. There will be a donation box in the Narthex on July Sundays . Suggested donations are: Note paper, pens, pencils, markers, glue, scissors, rulers, file folders, crayons. Thank you for helping kids start the school year feeling prepared to succeed. Bishop’s Visit: Our new Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Jennifer A. Reddall, will be visiting St. Mark’s on Sunday, September 29. We will have ONE bilingual service at 10 am with a potluck to follow in Knight Hall. As customary, the Bishop will be conducting Confirmations, Receptions and Reaffirmations of Baptismal Vows. If you are interested in becoming confirmed, received or reaffirming your baptismal vows in the Episcopal Church, please contact Fr. Gerardo. Women’s Shelter: Daughters of the King will be accepting donations for the East Valley Women’s Center. Please place hygiene products in the box provided in the narthex. We would like toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, socks, underwear, and other feminine hygiene products. MarkDowns Thrift Store: The Thrift Store will be closed during the month of July (except Food Pantry Tuesdays) and open on Fridays only during the month of June and August (except Food Pantry Tuesdays). The store will remain open on Sundays in between services from 8:45 -9:45 am. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Full announcements (pdf) |
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February 2025
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.