![]() Invest In Hope: Then Jesus said about Zacchaeus, "Today salvation has come to this house…for the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost." Luke 19:9-10 A steward’s role is primarily to those most in need of the steward. Like Jesus, the Son of Man, we too are invited to seek out those we can assist. “Let’s Celebrate This Christmas Together At St. Mark’s” Thank you for your generosity. We have raised just over $43,000 for the campaign to keep St. Mark’s here in this place. We’ve also raised over $2,000 in our Miles of Quarters. Please continue to pray for St. Mark’s, invite friends, family and neighbors to events or services, and donate. If you love St. Mark’s, please continue to give. We have so many options that there is no excuse to give generously. You can use check, cash, online direct from your bank account, or PayPal from our website. Please begin praying and considering what you will pledge towards next year at St. Mark’s. Our pledge card ingathering will be in November, and we MUST see an increase in our pledges over this year. We must ALL give a bit more. Growth is the key to our stability. Growth in pledges, donations and people. 2 Corinthians 9:11 “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” Sunday School is Back!: St. Mark’s Sunday School meets every Sunday at 9am to 9:45am. Children ages Pre-K to 2nd Grade gather in the Parish Hall and children Grade 3 and up meet in Classroom #2 across the courtyard. Upcoming events:
Food Pantry: Distribution for the month of November will be on November 15th and 29th. Our set up days will be Monday, November 14th and 28th, 8AM-11AM. Volunteers are welcome and appreciated! Come any of these days or all! Join our team and help feed the hungry in our community! May God bless you for supporting St. Mark’s Food Pantry! At the November 15th distribution, Food Pantry volunteers will giving out $10 Walmart gift cards. Families will be able to purchase a meat of their choice for Thanksgiving. If you would like to help a family celebrate Thanksgiving you may give a donation at the table outside the Narthex. Volunteers will be collecting before each Sunday service leading up to November 15. Daughters of the King: The Daughters of the King are collecting women’s hygiene items for the Apache Junction Women’s Center. These items may be left in the Narthex. We are asking for: all feminine hygiene products, shampoo, soap and body wash and deoderant. Contact Cyndi Armstrong for more information. MarkDowns Thrift Store: The St Mark’s Thrift Store has reopened. Our hours this year will be: Food Pantry Tuesdays: 8AM to 12 PM. Friday and Saturday, 9AM to 1PM and Sundays between services. Gently used items are gratefully welcome for donation during business hours. If you would like to volunteer at the Thrift Store, please contact Diane Lewis or Kathy Cheatham. Service Change: The weekday service will now be held on Wednesday at 11AM Save the Date: On Sunday, November 20 from 5 pm-7 pm, begin the week of Thanksgiving in service at St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Join us and friends from the Downtown Mesa Interfaith Initiative for service projects for all ages, food and fellowship. We will be collecting gently used clothing and non-perishable food for donation. St. Mark's is partnering with the Buddhist Zen Center of Mesa, the First United Methodist Church of Mesa, the Masjid Al-Noor Mosque of Mesa, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints of Mesa for this event. See you there! CURRENT SERVICES: You can join us for services live at the following times, or watch the recording any time at your convenience:
On Sunday, November 20 from 5 pm-7 pm, begin the week of Thanksgiving in service at St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Join us and friends from the Downtown Mesa Interfaith Initiative for service projects for all ages, food and fellowship. We will be collecting gently used clothing and non-perishable food for donation.
St. Mark's is partnering with the Buddhist Zen Center of Mesa, the First United Methodist Church of Mesa, the Masjid Al-Noor Mosque of Mesa, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints of Mesa for this event. See you there! ![]() Invest In Hope: Invest In Hope: He also told a parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and regarded others with contempt. Luke 18:9 A healthy self-concept is a great gift, unless it turns into a self-righteousness that puts others down. A good steward strives always to build others up. “Let’s Celebrate This Christmas Together At St. Mark’s” Thank you for your generosity. We have raised just over $43,000 for the campaign to keep St. Mark’s here in this place. We’ve also raised over $2,000 in our Miles of Quarters. Please continue to pray for St. Mark’s, invite friends, family and neighbors to events or services, and donate. If you love St. Mark’s, please continue to give. We have so many options that there is no excuse to give generously. You can use check, cash, online direct from your bank account, or PayPal from our website. Please begin praying and considering what you will pledge towards next year at St. Mark’s. Our pledge card ingathering will be in November, and we MUST see an increase in our pledges over this year. We must ALL give a bit more. Growth is the key to our stability. Growth in pledges, donations and people. 2 Corinthians 9:11 “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” Sunday School is Back!: St. Mark’s Sunday School meets every Sunday at 9am to 9:45am. Children ages Pre-K to 2nd Grade gather in the Parish Hall and children Grade 3 and up meet in Classroom #2 across the courtyard. Upcoming events:
Halloween Party: Saturday October 29th 4PM to 6PM in the Parish Hall and Courtyard. We need donations of cakes and cupcakes for the Cake Walk (can be homemade or store purchased) and donations of candy and prizes for the games. Volunteers also needed to set up, tear down, and help with the games. Bring your kids, grandkids, neighbors, family and friends. It will be a Howling Good Time! Food Pantry: Distribution for the month of October will be October 11th and October 25th. Our set up days will be Monday, October 10th and Monday, October 24th, 8AM-11AM. Volunteers are welcome and appreciated! Come any of these days or all! Join our team and help feed the hungry in our community! May God bless you for supporting St. Mark’s Food Pantry! At the November 15th distribution, Food Pantry volunteers will giving out $10 Walmart gift cards. Families will be able to purchase a meat of their choice for Thanksgiving. If you would like to help a family celebrate Thanksgiving you may give a donation at the table outside the Narthex. Volunteers will be collecting before each Sunday service leading up to November 15. Daughters of the King: The Daughters of the King are collecting women’s hygiene items for the Apache Junction Women’s Center. These items may be left in the Narthex. We are asking for: all feminine hygiene products, shampoo, soap and body wash and deoderant. Contact Cyndi Armstrong for more information. MarkDowns Thrift Store: The St Mark’s Thrift Store has reopened. Our hours this year will be: Food Pantry Tuesdays: 8AM to 12 PM. Friday and Saturday, 9AM to 1PM and Sundays between services. Gently used items are gratefully welcome for donation during business hours. If you would like to volunteer at the Thrift Store, please contact Diane Lewis or Kathy Cheatham. CURRENT SERVICES: You can join us for services live at the following times, or watch the recording any time at your convenience:
![]() Invest In Hope: Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart. Luke 18:1 “Pray always and don’t lose heart.” Probably Jesus spoke from personal experience, as the gospels tell us that he often turned to prayer in difficult times, times when he was tempted to lose heart. Let’s remember to do the same. “Let’s Celebrate This Christmas Together At St. Mark’s” Thank you for your generosity. We have raised just over $43,000 for the campaign to keep St. Mark’s here in this place. We’ve also raised over $2,000 in our Miles of Quarters. Please continue to pray for St. Mark’s, invite friends, family and neighbors to events or services, and donate. If you love St. Mark’s, please continue to give. We have so many options that there is no excuse to give generously. You can use check, cash, online direct from your bank account, or PayPal from our website. Please begin praying and considering what you will pledge towards next year at St. Mark’s. Our pledge card ingathering will be in November, and we MUST see an increase in our pledges over this year. We must ALL give a bit more. Growth is the key to our stability. Growth in pledges, donations and people. 2 Corinthians 9:11 “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” Sunday School is Back!: St. Mark’s Sunday School meets every Sunday at 9am to 9:45am. Children ages Pre-K to 2nd Grade gather in the Parish Hall and children Grade 3 and up meet in Classroom #2 across the courtyard. Upcoming events:
Halloween Party: Saturday October 29th 4PM to 6PM in the Parish Hall and Courtyard. We need donations of cakes and cupcakes for the Cake Walk (can be homemade or store purchased) and donations of candy and prizes for the games. Volunteers also needed to set up, tear down, and help with the games. Bring your kids, grandkids, neighbors, family and friends. It will be a Howling Good Time! Food Pantry: Distribution for the month of October will be October 11th and October 25th. Our set up days will be Monday, October 10th and Monday, October 24th, 8AM-11AM. Volunteers are welcome and appreciated! Come any of these days or all! Join our team and help feed the hungry in our community! May God bless you for supporting St. Mark’s Food Pantry! At the November 15th distribution, Food Pantry volunteers will giving out $10 Walmart gift cards. Families will be able to purchase a meat of their choice for Thanksgiving. If you would like to help a family celebrate Thanksgiving you may give a donation at the table outside the Narthex. Volunteers will be collecting before each Sunday service leading up to November 15. Daughters of the King: The Daughters of the King are collecting women’s hygiene items for the Apache Junction Women’s Center. These items may be left in the Narthex. We are asking for: all feminine hygiene products, shampoo, soap and body wash and deoderant. Contact Cyndi Armstrong for more information. MarkDowns Thrift Store: The St Mark’s Thrift Store has reopened. Our hours this year will be: Food Pantry Tuesdays: 8AM to 12 PM. Friday and Saturday, 9AM to 1PM and Sundays between services. Gently used items are gratefully welcome for donation during business hours. If you would like to volunteer at the Thrift Store, please contact Diane Lewis or Kathy Cheatham. CURRENT SERVICES: You can join us for services live at the following times, or watch the recording any time at your convenience:
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.
February 2025
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.