![]() Invest In Hope: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart…and your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37,39 The kind of love that Jesus commands requires commitment, action, and courage. Perhaps that’s why it’s so frequently ignored! Jesus was not offering pious platitudes but a course of action. UPDATE—COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS): MESSAGE FROM FR GERARDO: My dear brothers and sisters, We have received excellent news from the Diocese: we are approved to return to in-person worship of up to 50 people indoors. First, let us assure you that all cleaning and sanitizing procedures will be carried out before and after each service in the sanctuary as well as any common areas like the narthex and restrooms. There is still NO congregational singing or choir allowed, but music will still be provided and a virtual choir may be utilized in a similar fashion as we have been doing. Additionally, masks and social distancing will be required. Parishioners are further encouraged to bring their own copies of a BCP, bible and/or hymnal, if desired. The powerpoint will still be available and have everything you need on the screen. Secondly, let us further assure everyone that we will continue to provide online Sunday services for those who cannot attend in person. You can continue to watch our English service at 10:00 AM on our Facebook page. (You don't need a Facebook account to watch- just click the "Join online services" button on the right!). You can also watch the service on YouTube! This announcement also serves to invite everyone to come to church through a reservation. Please let us know you're coming each week by contacting the office and leaving a voicemail, sending an email to [email protected], or call Gloria McManus at 480-560-9505. That being said, because we have to allow for staff and clergy, we can allow up to 40 people, on a first come, first serve basis. If anyone is turned away based on space, then they will have first choice the following Sunday. Please be patient with us while we try to accommodate as many parishioners as we can while maintaining a safe environment. It is important to note that there still can be no coffee hour or shared meals or events involving food. We are a congregation with vulnerable members. The Task Force states the intent of their work is to help us gather safely, caring for every person. It is also important to remember that there is no way to absolutely ensure the safety of those who gather. The data the Task Force Document refers to when granting churches permission moving from Phase I to Phase II is from Arizona Department of Health Services. That data and how it is being applied will be what matters as we move forward. We all need to respect that there are a variety of opinions about our situation. Some will believe we should all get out and get going and have things open again. Others will be cautious and follow the CDC order to stay at home. We look forward to seeing everyone very soon. For Pastoral Emergencies, please call Fr. Gerardo Brambila at 602-405- 4588. If you have additional questions, you may also call Parish Administrator, Gloria McManus at 480-560-9505. October Tithing: St. Mark’s is still present and desperately needs your support. If you normally bring an envelope with a check to church, you can instead mail that envelope to the church office, at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 322 N Horne St, Mesa, AZ 85203. If you usually give loose cash to the church, you can instead write a check and mail, or you can donate via the PayPal button on the right or here through FaithStreet - on the "Choose a Fund" drop down menus, scroll to choose "St. Mark's, Mesa". You can also do online payments through your bank, through the Bill Pay option. You could even set up a recurring payment through your bank if you wish, so you will not forget. God Bless and Stay Safe, Dianne Nunez, Stewardship/Finance Chair Invest in Hope Matching Capital Campaign: We have a family in our parish that is willing to move their bequest forward from their deaths into 2020, where it will be sorely needed. But they would also like to have other parishioners participate. So they invite and challenge us to give to the campaign, and they will match our donations dollar for dollar, up to $50,000 on their part. Write "Match" in the memo line of your check to identify your contribution or if giving cash, place in an envelope and write your name and “match” on the front. You can mail your donations or pledges to St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 322 N. Horne St., Mesa, AZ 85203, or using either PayPal or through the Diocese of Arizona using FaithStreet. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's. For FaithStreet, please select "St. Mark's Mesa" from the drop down menu under "select a fund."". Upcoming Ministry Meetings: NONE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Mark Your Calendars: Our Food Pantry will continue to operate by outside, drive-through food distributions on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month until further notice. CURRENT ONLINE SERVICES:
Full announcements and prayer list (pdf) ![]() Invest In Hope: (The Pharisees said), "Teacher, we know that you are sincere…and do not regard people with partiality.” Matthew 22:15-16 Not only did the Pharisees observe that Jesus was not partial… they frequently complained about it! They preferred people who treated others according to their station in life. Jesus, as noted, did not. His standards were different. “What you give to the least of my brothers and sisters, you give to me.” UPDATE—COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS): MESSAGE FROM FR GERARDO: My dear brothers and sisters, We have received excellent news from the Diocese: we are approved to return to in-person worship of up to 50 people indoors. First, let us assure you that all cleaning and sanitizing procedures will be carried out before and after each service in the sanctuary as well as any common areas like the narthex and restrooms. There is still NO congregational singing or choir allowed, but music will still be provided and a virtual choir may be utilized in a similar fashion as we have been doing. Additionally, masks and social distancing will be required. Parishioners are further encouraged to bring their own copies of a BCP, bible and/or hymnal, if desired. The powerpoint will still be available and have everything you need on the screen. Secondly, let us further assure everyone that we will continue to provide online Sunday services for those who cannot attend in person. You can continue to watch our English service at 10:00 AM on our Facebook page. (You don't need a Facebook account to watch- just click the "Join online services" button on the right!). You can also watch the service on YouTube! This announcement also serves to invite everyone to come to church through a reservation. Please let us know you're coming each week by contacting the office and leaving a voicemail, sending an email to [email protected], or call Gloria McManus at 480-560-9505. That being said, because we have to allow for staff and clergy, we can allow up to 40 people, on a first come, first serve basis. If anyone is turned away based on space, then they will have first choice the following Sunday. Please be patient with us while we try to accommodate as many parishioners as we can while maintaining a safe environment. It is important to note that there still can be no coffee hour or shared meals or events involving food. We are a congregation with vulnerable members. The Task Force states the intent of their work is to help us gather safely, caring for every person. It is also important to remember that there is no way to absolutely ensure the safety of those who gather. The data the Task Force Document refers to when granting churches permission moving from Phase I to Phase II is from Arizona Department of Health Services. That data and how it is being applied will be what matters as we move forward. We all need to respect that there are a variety of opinions about our situation. Some will believe we should all get out and get going and have things open again. Others will be cautious and follow the CDC order to stay at home. We look forward to seeing everyone very soon. For Pastoral Emergencies, please call Fr. Gerardo Brambila at 602-405- 4588. If you have additional questions, you may also call Parish Administrator, Gloria McManus at 480-560-9505. October Tithing: St. Mark’s is still present and desperately needs your support. If you normally bring an envelope with a check to church, you can instead mail that envelope to the church office, at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 322 N Horne St, Mesa, AZ 85203. If you usually give loose cash to the church, you can instead write a check and mail, or you can donate via the PayPal button on the right or here through FaithStreet - on the "Choose a Fund" drop down menus, scroll to choose "St. Mark's, Mesa". You can also do online payments through your bank, through the Bill Pay option. You could even set up a recurring payment through your bank if you wish, so you will not forget. God Bless and Stay Safe, Dianne Nunez, Stewardship/Finance Chair Invest in Hope Matching Capital Campaign: We have a family in our parish that is willing to move their bequest forward from their deaths into 2020, where it will be sorely needed. But they would also like to have other parishioners participate. So they invite and challenge us to give to the campaign, and they will match our donations dollar for dollar, up to $50,000 on their part. Write "Match" in the memo line of your check to identify your contribution or if giving cash, place in an envelope and write your name and “match” on the front. You can mail your donations or pledges to St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 322 N. Horne St., Mesa, AZ 85203, or using either PayPal or through the Diocese of Arizona using FaithStreet. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's. For FaithStreet, please select "St. Mark's Mesa" from the drop down menu under "select a fund."". Upcoming Ministry Meetings: NONE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Mark Your Calendars: Our Food Pantry will continue to operate by outside, drive-through food distributions on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month until further notice. CURRENT ONLINE SERVICES:
Full announcements and prayer list (pdf) ![]() Invest In Hope: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. In verdant pastures he gives me repose; beside restful waters he leads me, he refreshes my soul. Psalm 23:1-3 No psalm verse is as well known as this one. In these challenging times, we may ask how we can offer repose to others, how we can refresh their souls, how we can be shepherds to one another. UPDATE—COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS): MESSAGE FROM FR GERARDO: My dear brothers and sisters, We have received excellent news from the Diocese: we are approved to return to in-person worship of up to 50 people indoors. First, let us assure you that all cleaning and sanitizing procedures will be carried out before and after each service in the sanctuary as well as any common areas like the narthex and restrooms. There is still NO congregational singing or choir allowed, but music will still be provided and a virtual choir may be utilized in a similar fashion as we have been doing. Additionally, masks and social distancing will be required. Parishioners are further encouraged to bring their own copies of a BCP, bible and/or hymnal, if desired. The powerpoint will still be available and have everything you need on the screen. Secondly, let us further assure everyone that we will continue to provide online Sunday services for those who cannot attend in person. You can continue to watch our English service at 10:00 AM on our Facebook page. (You don't need a Facebook account to watch- just click the "Join online services" button on the right!). You can also watch the service on YouTube! This announcement also serves to invite everyone to come to church through a reservation. Please let us know you're coming each week by contacting the office and leaving a voicemail, sending an email to [email protected], or call Gloria McManus at 480-560-9505. That being said, because we have to allow for staff and clergy, we can allow up to 40 people, on a first come, first serve basis. If anyone is turned away based on space, then they will have first choice the following Sunday. Please be patient with us while we try to accommodate as many parishioners as we can while maintaining a safe environment. It is important to note that there still can be no coffee hour or shared meals or events involving food. We are a congregation with vulnerable members. The Task Force states the intent of their work is to help us gather safely, caring for every person. It is also important to remember that there is no way to absolutely ensure the safety of those who gather. The data the Task Force Document refers to when granting churches permission moving from Phase I to Phase II is from Arizona Department of Health Services. That data and how it is being applied will be what matters as we move forward. We all need to respect that there are a variety of opinions about our situation. Some will believe we should all get out and get going and have things open again. Others will be cautious and follow the CDC order to stay at home. We look forward to seeing everyone very soon. For Pastoral Emergencies, please call Fr. Gerardo Brambila at 602-405- 4588. If you have additional questions, you may also call Parish Administrator, Gloria McManus at 480-560-9505. October Tithing: St. Mark’s is still present and desperately needs your support. If you normally bring an envelope with a check to church, you can instead mail that envelope to the church office, at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 322 N Horne St, Mesa, AZ 85203. If you usually give loose cash to the church, you can instead write a check and mail, or you can donate via the PayPal button on the right or here through FaithStreet - on the "Choose a Fund" drop down menus, scroll to choose "St. Mark's, Mesa". You can also do online payments through your bank, through the Bill Pay option. You could even set up a recurring payment through your bank if you wish, so you will not forget. God Bless and Stay Safe, Dianne Nunez, Stewardship/Finance Chair Invest in Hope Matching Capital Campaign: We have a family in our parish that is willing to move their bequest forward from their deaths into 2020, where it will be sorely needed. But they would also like to have other parishioners participate. So they invite and challenge us to give to the campaign, and they will match our donations dollar for dollar, up to $50,000 on their part. Write "Match" in the memo line of your check to identify your contribution or if giving cash, place in an envelope and write your name and “match” on the front. You can mail your donations or pledges to St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 322 N. Horne St., Mesa, AZ 85203, or using either PayPal or through the Diocese of Arizona using FaithStreet. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's. For FaithStreet, please select "St. Mark's Mesa" from the drop down menu under "select a fund."". Upcoming Ministry Meetings: NONE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Mark Your Calendars: Our Food Pantry will continue to operate by outside, drive-through food distributions on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month until further notice. CURRENT ONLINE SERVICES:
Full announcements and prayer list (pdf) Invest In Hope: “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.“ Matthew 21:42 This metaphor obviously applies to Jesus. In preaching justice, peace and love, he found himself rejected by many of the people of his time. But in his resurrection, he became the support and foundation of all of us who are his followers. UPDATE—COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS): MESSAGE FROM FR GERARDO: My dear brothers and sisters, We have received excellent news from the Diocese: we are approved to return to in-person worship of up to 50 people indoors. First, let us assure you that all cleaning and sanitizing procedures will be carried out before and after each service in the sanctuary as well as any common areas like the narthex and restrooms. There is still NO congregational singing or choir allowed, but music will still be provided and a virtual choir may be utilized in a similar fashion as we have been doing. Additionally, masks and social distancing will be required. Parishioners are further encouraged to bring their own copies of a BCP, bible and/or hymnal, if desired. The powerpoint will still be available and have everything you need on the screen. Secondly, let us further assure everyone that we will continue to provide online Sunday services for those who cannot attend in person. You can continue to watch our English service at 10:00 AM on our Facebook page. (You don't need a Facebook account to watch- just click the "Join online services" button on the right!). You can also watch the service on YouTube! This announcement also serves to invite everyone to come to church through a reservation. Please let us know you're coming each week by contacting the office and leaving a voicemail, sending an email to [email protected], or call Gloria McManus at 480-560-9505. That being said, because we have to allow for staff and clergy, we can allow up to 40 people, on a first come, first serve basis. If anyone is turned away based on space, then they will have first choice the following Sunday. Please be patient with us while we try to accommodate as many parishioners as we can while maintaining a safe environment. It is important to note that there still can be no coffee hour or shared meals or events involving food. We are a congregation with vulnerable members. The Task Force states the intent of their work is to help us gather safely, caring for every person. It is also important to remember that there is no way to absolutely ensure the safety of those who gather. The data the Task Force Document refers to when granting churches permission moving from Phase I to Phase II is from Arizona Department of Health Services. That data and how it is being applied will be what matters as we move forward. We all need to respect that there are a variety of opinions about our situation. Some will believe we should all get out and get going and have things open again. Others will be cautious and follow the CDC order to stay at home. We look forward to seeing everyone very soon. For Pastoral Emergencies, please call Fr. Gerardo Brambila at 602-405- 4588. If you have additional questions, you may also call Parish Administrator, Gloria McManus at 480-560-9505. October Tithing: St. Mark’s is still present and desperately needs your support. If you normally bring an envelope with a check to church, you can instead mail that envelope to the church office, at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 322 N Horne St, Mesa, AZ 85203. If you usually give loose cash to the church, you can instead write a check and mail, or you can donate via the PayPal button on the right or here through FaithStreet - on the "Choose a Fund" drop down menus, scroll to choose "St. Mark's, Mesa". You can also do online payments through your bank, through the Bill Pay option. You could even set up a recurring payment through your bank if you wish, so you will not forget. God Bless and Stay Safe, Dianne Nunez, Stewardship/Finance Chair Invest in Hope Matching Capital Campaign: We have a family in our parish that is willing to move their bequest forward from their deaths into 2020, where it will be sorely needed. But they would also like to have other parishioners participate. So they invite and challenge us to give to the campaign, and they will match our donations dollar for dollar, up to $50,000 on their part. Write "Match" in the memo line of your check to identify your contribution or if giving cash, place in an envelope and write your name and “match” on the front. You can mail your donations or pledges to St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 322 N. Horne St., Mesa, AZ 85203, or using either PayPal or through the Diocese of Arizona using FaithStreet. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's. For FaithStreet, please select "St. Mark's Mesa" from the drop down menu under "select a fund."". Upcoming Ministry Meetings: NONE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Mark Your Calendars: Our Food Pantry will continue to operate by outside, drive-through food distributions on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month until further notice. CURRENT ONLINE SERVICES:
Full announcements and prayer list (pdf) |
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.
February 2025
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.