Noticios Re"Mark"adas (Anuncios en Español)
Together in Faith: "But I say to you that listen, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt. Give to everyone who begs from you; and if anyone takes way your goods, do not ask for them again. Do to others as you would have them do to you." Luke 6:27-31 The feast of All Saints can be a reminder that God loves each of us, and invites each of us into God's kingdom. Christmas Compassion: This year St. Mark’s will sponsor five low income families with children at Christmas. We would like the families to enjoy a full beautiful Christmas with a tree, decorations, dinner, and gifts of clothes and toys. We will gather donations and purchase gift cards for groceries, gas, and department stores. This will facilitate the purchase of clothes and toys, to avoid sizes and gender lists. Pre-owned, good condition Christmas trees and decorations will be appreciated. Anyone willing to help with this project, please contact Fr. Gerardo Brambila or Gloria McManus in the office. Thanksgiving Donations: Food Pantry volunteers will be in the Lion’s Den between services collecting donations toward the purchase of Thanksgiving gift cards this year. We are giving $10.00 Food City gift cards this year instead of turkeys. United Food Bank informed us they could not supply us with turkeys because the cost of turkeys had become prohibitive. We hope to give all our families a gift card, which they can use to purchase their choice of meat for Thanksgiving. Transportation Ministry: As a church family, one of our first priorities is to ensure that our brothers and sisters in Christ are in our prayers and when the need arises, extend that love to a visit or even a ride. We are currently recruiting parishioners who are able to provide rides to others who would like to attend one of our many services but have limited or no means of transportation to do so. It is a great fellowship, deeply appreciated by those in need and allows us to grow deeper in faith and love with one another. Whether you are in need of a ride or may be able to provide transportation to someone in need, please contact Mayra Alvarado at 830-765-8088 and leave a detailed message. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Noticios Re"Mark"adas (Anuncios en Español)
Together in Faith: Jesus said, “Everyone who exalts themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted.” Luke 18:14. The gospels make it clear that Jesus had little tolerance for selfimportant people, probably because people who make themselves important usually do so at the expense of others. The role of a steward is the opposite: to celebrate God’s amazing generosity to all of God’s people. No one loses, everyone wins. What have I done today to exalt the people I meet? Dia de los Muertos: During our All Saint’s Day mass next Sunday, we will recognize our loved ones who have passed during the offertory portion of the service. You may bring personal items, photographs, or mementos to place on the display altar tables near the front of the church. Please join us in this wonderful Latino cultural tradition that celebrates and honors in a joyous and beautiful way the lives of those whom we have lost. Grief Group: A grief group has been created for anyone who wishes to attend, regardless of faith, that will be meeting at St. James Episcopal Church every Saturday at 1 pm beginning October 22nd for six weeks. If you would like more information, please contact Kate Bertrand at 480-544-6510. Anyone is free to drop in at will for the meetings, no registration or prior notice is necessary. Christmas Compassion: This year St. Mark’s will sponsor five low income families with children at Christmas. We would like the families to enjoy a full beautiful Christmas with a tree, decorations, dinner, and gifts of clothes and toys. We will gather donations and purchase gift cards for groceries, gas, and department stores. This will facilitate the purchase of clothes and toys, to avoid sizes and gender lists. Pre-owned, good condition Christmas trees and decorations will be appreciated. Anyone willing to help with this project, please contact Fr. Gerardo Brambila or Gloria McManus in the office. Thanksgiving Donations: Food Pantry volunteers will be in the Lion’s Den between services collecting donations toward the purchase of Thanksgiving gift cards this year. We are giving $10.00 Food City gift cards this year instead of turkeys. United Food Bank informed us they could not supply us with turkeys because the cost of turkeys had become prohibitive. We hope to give all our families a gift card, which they can use to purchase their choice of meat for Thanksgiving. Transportation Ministry: As a church family, one of our first priorities is to ensure that our brothers and sisters in Christ are in our prayers and when the need arises, extend that love to a visit or even a ride. We are currently recruiting parishioners who are able to provide rides to others who would like to attend one of our many services but have limited or no means of transportation to do so. It is a great fellowship, deeply appreciated by those in need and allows us to grow deeper in faith and love with one another. Whether you are in need of a ride or may be able to provide transportation to someone in need, please contact Mayra Alvarado at 830-765-8088 and leave a detailed message. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Noticios Re"Mark"adas (Anuncios en Español)
Together in Faith: I solemnly urge you: proclaim the message [of Jesus]; be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable. 2 Timothy 4:2. Good stewards have a lot of characteristics, and persistence is one of the big ones. It’s easy to be a steward when it’s, well… easy. When life is going along nicely, with no major issues, generosity can come pretty naturally. When life is not so easy, then it can be tough to be a persistent steward. What do I do to remain a persistent steward whether the time is favorable or unfavorable? Liturgical Decorations: The flowers on the Altar are sponsored today by the Ford family in loving memory of Fr. Steve’s sister, Linda Hahn. Convention Offering Sunday: As you will see, our Annual Convention projects for this year are to send funds to purchase meals that will feed refugees in Greece and South Sudan. The goal we hope to reach (with the help of all of churches in the Diocese) is to feed 20,000 refugees. If you would like to learn more about either charity, visit their websites at: Feed My Starving Children and Salaam Cultural Museum. If you wish to contribute to these projects, make the check payable to St. Mark’s and indicate “Annual Convention Project” on the memo line of your check. Thanksgiving Donations: Food Pantry volunteers will be in the Lion’s Den between services collecting donations toward the purchase of Thanksgiving gift cards this year. We are giving $10.00 Food City gift cards this year instead of turkeys. United Food Bank informed us they could not supply us with turkeys because the cost of turkeys had become prohibitive. We hope to give all our families a gift card, which they can use to purchase their choice of meat for Thanksgiving. Christmas Compassion: This year St. Mark’s will sponsor five low income families with children at Christmas. We would like the families to enjoy a full beautiful Christmas with a tree, decorations, dinner, and gifts of clothes and toys. We will gather donations and purchase gift cards for groceries, gas, and department stores. This will facilitate the purchase of clothes and toys, to avoid sizes and gender lists. Pre-owned, good condition Christmas trees and decorations will be appreciated. Anyone willing to help with this project, please contact Fr. Gerardo Brambila or Gloria McManus in the office. “Trunk or Treat”: More volunteers are needed for drivers/cars and candy donations for our annual Trunk or Treat event scheduled for Saturday, October 29th from 3 to 5 pm. Please contact Jeanette Rogers at [email protected]. Transportation Ministry: As a church family, one of our first priorities is to ensure that our brothers and sisters in Christ are in our prayers and when the need arises, extend that love to a visit or even a ride. We are currently recruiting parishioners who are able to provide rides to others who would like to attend one of our many services but have limited or no means of transportation to do so. It is a great fellowship, deeply appreciated by those in need and allows us to grow deeper in faith and love with one another. Whether you are in need of a ride or may be able to provide transportation to someone in need, please contact Mayra Alvarado at 830-765-8088 and leave a detailed message. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Noticios Re"Mark"adas (Anuncios en Español)
Together in Faith: Then Jesus asked, “Were not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they? Luke 17:17. The story of the ten lepers seems to be a classic example of ingratitude. But maybe it’s not really that… maybe in the midst of their excitement at being healed, only one of the ten was able to get his/her gratitude act together. In the midst of all that’s going on in our lives, we too can have a hard time getting our gratitude act together. Maybe now, right this moment, is a time for us to reflect on our giftedness and resolve to find a way of giving thanks. Reminder: Next Sunday, October 16th, it is the Lion’s Den Volunteers’ turn to host our fellowship hour. Please participate by bringing something yummy to share, as well as assisting with the setup and clean-up before and afterwards. “Trunk or Treat”: More volunteers are needed for drivers/cars and candy donations for our annual Trunk or Treat event scheduled for Saturday, October 29th from 3 to 5 pm. Please contact Jeanette Rogers at [email protected]. Transportation Ministry: As a church family, one of our first priorities is to ensure that our brothers and sisters in Christ are in our prayers and when the need arises, extend that love to a visit or even a ride. We are currently recruiting parishioners who are able to provide rides to others who would like to attend one of our many services but have limited or no means of transportation to do so. It is a great fellowship, deeply appreciated by those in need and allows us to grow deeper in faith and love with one another. Whether you are in need of a ride or may be able to provide transportation to someone in need, please contact Mayra Alvarado at 830-765-8088 and leave a detailed message. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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February 2025
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.