Noticios Re"Mark"adas (Anuncios en Español)
Together in Faith: At the rich man’s gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores. Luke 16:19 Jesus draws a vivid picture of the different life styles of the rich man and Lazarus! But he especially faults the rich man for not SEEING… for not seeing an opportunity to help someone, to share his blessings, to lift another up, to care. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
Pasta La Vista Fundraiser: Join us for a Spaghetti Dinner and a concert featuring the East Valley Barbershop Harmonizers on Saturday, October 8th. Dinner begins at 5:30 pm accompanied by a barbershop quarter, followed by a concert at 7 pm in the church. Tickets are $20 per person; $10 for children 12 & under and are on sale now. Wine bar, silent auction, and raffle will also be available. Fundraising efforts will go toward replenishing St. Mark’s building fund. “Trunk or Treat”: More volunteers are needed for drivers/cars and candy donations for our annual Trunk or Treat event scheduled for Saturday, October 29th from 3 to 5 pm. Please contact Jeanette Rogers at [email protected]. Mark Your Calendars:
Join us for a Spaghetti Dinner and a concert featuring the East Valley Barbershop Harmonizers on Saturday, October 8th.
The dinner begins at 5:30 pm, featuring spaghetti, salad, bread, and dessert, and entertainment by barbershop quartets of the East Valley Barbershop Harmonizers Chorus. A wine bar (minimum $5 donation), silent auction, and 50/50 raffle will also be available. Fundraising efforts will go toward replenishing St. Mark’s building fund. Tickets are on sale now!
The full East Valley Barbershop Harmonizer Chorus will present a concert after dinner at 7 pm in the church. A free will offering will be collected during the concert. Noticios Re"Mark"adas (Anuncios en Español)
Together in Faith: “You cannot serve God and wealth.” Luke 16:13 Even though Jesus often associated with wealthy people, he always encouraged them to see the danger in too much wealth and invited them to remember the poor and needy. As stewards, we too are encouraged to use our wealth wisely. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Noticios Re"Mark"adas (Anuncios en Español)
Together in Faith: The Pharisees and the scribes were grumbling and saying, “This fellow welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Luke 15:2 Jesus’ acceptance of the outcast, the sinner, the ‘other’, is repeatedly noticed by his enemies and repeatedly condemned. But Jesus seemed as eager to care for the out crowd as well as the in crowd. We too are invited to care for others as Jesus would. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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February 2025
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.