Together in Faith: This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Luke 2:12
A child wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger is a sure sign of God’s love for the poor, the marginal, the needy. We wish a merry Christmas for all God’s children. Convention Delegates: If you would like to be a candidate for delegate to the 2017 Annual Diocesan Convention in Phoenix, please contact Gloria in the office. All members in good standing in the Episcopal Church are eligible to run. Delegates will be elected at the Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, January 22, 2017. Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church will be Sunday, January 22nd. There will be one bilingual service at 10 am, and the meeting will be conducted during the service. There will be a review of 2016 ministry highlights, presentation of the 2017 budget, election of 2017 Bishop’s Committee members, and election of delegates to the 2017 Diocesan Convention. Following the service, there will be a pot-luck lunch in Knight Hall. Please bring a dish to share. Thrift Store Holiday Hours: MarkDowns Thrift Store will close on December 22nd and reopen on January 10th. It will be open on December 27th from 9 am to Noon during the Food Pantry operation. Thank you so much for being our customers. We appreciate all of those that donate to us and those that buy. From, Sally Worthington (Ministry Leader) and Volunteer Staff Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Greetings and a thank you message from Naco, Sonora for the donations from all of you at St. Mark's!
Noticios Re"Mark"adas (Anuncios en Español)
Together in Faith: “They will call him Emmanuel”, which means ‘God is with us’. Matthew 1:22 God’s presence in our lives is a constant power of love and compassion. We celebrate it at Christmas in a special way, but it continues on throughout our lives. Thrift Store Holiday Hours: MarkDowns Thrift Store will close on December 22nd and reopen on January 10th. It will be open on December 27th from 9 am to Noon during the Food Pantry operation. Thank you so much for being our customers. We appreciate all of those that donate to us and those that buy. From, Sally Worthington (Ministry Leader) and Volunteer Staff Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Noticios Re"Mark"adas (Anuncios en Español)
Together in Faith: “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” Matthew 11:3 There are so many distractions in our world, it can be hard to focus on the important issues, God’s issues. The season of Advent encourages us to focus our faith, energies and interests on building up God’s kingdom. Celebrate a Posada: This year we will be celebrating Los Posadas with two other churches within the Diocese. We will start with services at Trinity Cathedral, 100 W Roosevelt St in Phoenix, on Friday, December 16th, at 6 pm. In addition, we will join the parishioners of Iglesia San Pablo, 2801 N 31st St in Phoenix on Saturday, December 17th at 6 pm for this Hispanic Christmas season celebration. The posadas reenact Mary and Joseph's cold and difficult journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem in search of shelter. In Spanish, posada means "lodging." Those in attendance, known as “pilgrims” sing along asking for shelter, and the hosts sing a reply, finally opening the doors to the guests and offering festive foods. Christmas Flowers: Remember a loved one or offer thanks in our Christmas Eve service bulletins. Please fill out a Christmas Flowers form found in the pew pocket or Narthex and enclose it with your payment in the envelope provided. Forms and money are due no later than Wednesday, December 16th. Calling Bishop’s Committee Candidates: Will you consider running? As a candidate, you will need to be a member in good standing, committed to growing spiritually, and supportive of both the mission and ministries of our church. If you meet these expectations and would like to explore serving on the Bishop’s Committee, please contact Fr. Gerardo at 480-964-5820 no later that December, 16th. Thrift Store Holiday Hours: MarkDowns Thrift Store will close on December 22nd and reopen on January 10th. It will be open on December 27th from 9 am to Noon during the Food Pantry operation. Thank you so much for being our customers. We appreciate all of those that donate to us and those that buy. From, Sally Worthington (Ministry Leader) and Volunteer Staff Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.
February 2025
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.