Noticios Re"Mark"adas (Anuncios en Español)
Together in Faith: And Jesus said to them, “Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” Luke 12:15 How easy it is to measure our life by what we have, rather than by what we have given. Jesus once again invites us to use generosity as the ideal measuring stick. Lion’s Den August 7th: Raymond Marshall, will be celebrating his 96th birthday on August 3rd and his daughter, Marion, thought that it would be nice to have a Birthday Brunch for him with their wonderful new friends at St. Mark's on August 7th. There will be plenty of food for those attending both services so they are hoping that everyone will join in the celebration. They will be serving hot entrees, sandwiches, fruit, pastries and of course, birthday cake, Martinelli's cider and the usual beverages. Back to School Supplies: It’s that time of year again! The Food Pantry is asking for school supplies that will be given out during our July and August food pantry distributions. There will be a collection box available in the narthex. Thank you in advance for your continued generosity. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Full Announcements Noticios Re"Mark"adas (Anuncios en Español)
Together in Faith: “So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.” Luke 11:9 Today’s stewards sound the same as those of 2,000 years ago: “I will follow you wherever you go.” And today’s followers face the same challenges. How are we to follow Jesus? How are we to be faithful? How are we to live out the kingdom of God? Fr. Knight’s Birthday: We will honor Fr. Harold Knight’s 104th birthday next Sunday, July 31st at Lion’s Den in Knight Hall at approximately 10 am. Please join us for this joyous occasion. We are praying for Fr. Knight to be able to attend. Please bring any birthday cards you wish to give to him as well or mail them to the office and they will be given to Fr. Knight. Back to School Supplies: It’s that time of year again! The Food Pantry is asking for school supplies that will be given out during our July and August food pantry distributions. There will be a collection box available in the narthex. Thank you in advance for your continued generosity. 5th Annual Episcopal Night at Chase Field: The Arizona Diamondbacks invite all members of The Episcopal Diocese of Arizona, along with their family and friends, to an exciting game of baseball as the D-Backs take on the Reds on Friday, August 26, 2016 at 6:40 p.m.! Seating Options: $15 - Upper Level: Infield Reserve (section 319) $28 - Lower Level: Baseline Reserve (section 134) A portion of every ticket purchased will be donated to support an outreach ministry project to send water filters to South Sudan! After the game, stay for post-game festivities that are part of the D-Backs Faith & Family Night. There will be fireworks, followed by a player Q&A. Special guest Matthew West will be performing a concert to end the festivities. The ticket order deadline is August 19, 2016. Seating is Limited! Tickets can be purchased online at or by sending in the order form available in the narthex. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Noticios Re"Mark"adas (Anuncios en Español)
Together in Faith: Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. Luke 10:38 Whether it’s a woman welcoming Jesus into her home, or Jesus welcoming someone into his presence, welcome is a constant Gospel theme. Welcome, invitation, openness, acceptance… these were hallmarks of Jesus’ interaction with people. Welcome is the hallmark of a steward, one who cares for and loves others as she or he loves and cares for God and self. How are we invited to be welcoming today? Liturgical Decorations: The flowers on the Altar are sponsored today by Jim and Gloria McManus in loving memory of her mom, Karen Louise Knowles-Ginsel, who passed away two years ago on July 7th. Back to School Supplies: It’s that time of year again! The Food Pantry is asking for school supplies that will be given out during our July and August food pantry distributions. There will be a collection box available in the narthex. Thank you in advance for your continued generosity. 5th Annual Episcopal Night at Chase Field: The Arizona Diamondbacks invite all members of The Episcopal Diocese of Arizona, along with their family and friends, to an exciting game of baseball as the D-Backs take on the Reds on Friday, August 26, 2016 at 6:40 p.m.! Seating Options: $15 - Upper Level: Infield Reserve (section 319) $28 - Lower Level: Baseline Reserve (section 134) A portion of every ticket purchased will be donated to support an outreach ministry project to send water filters to South Sudan! After the game, stay for post-game festivities that are part of the D-Backs Faith & Family Night. There will be fireworks, followed by a player Q&A. Special guest Matthew West will be performing a concert to end the festivities. The ticket order deadline is August 19, 2016. Seating is Limited! Tickets can be purchased online at or by sending in the order form available in the narthex. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Full bulletin (pdf) Anuncios en Español
Together in Faith: But wanting to justify himself, the lawyer asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” Luke 10:29 This well-known introduction to the Good Samaritan story asks a question as appropriate for us today as it was 2,000 years ago: who is our neighbor? And it’s no easier to answer now than then. Unfortunately, the answer we often hear today is, “Our neighbor is the one like us.” The point of Jesus’ story, of course, is exactly the opposite. The question does bear repeating: who is our neighbor? Liturgical Decorations: The flowers on the Altar are sponsored today by Jim and Gloria McManus in loving memory of her mom, Karen Louise Knowles-Ginsel, who passed away two years ago on July 7th. Property Clean-Up & Maintenance: We need volunteers Saturday morning, July 23rd (note - updated from published announcements) at 6 am to help mow the lawn area and clean up the property. All of us doing our share will relieve the burden on the few. Summer Music Recital: On Saturday, July 16th from 3 pm to 4 pm, there will be a special music recital in the sanctuary, hosted by a friend of Chris Perry’s, Jeff Norman. All are welcome to come enjoy some classical music performed by Dr. Norman’s students. 5th Annual Episcopal Night at Chase Field: The Arizona Diamondbacks invite all members of The Episcopal Diocese of Arizona, along with their family and friends, to an exciting game of baseball as the D-Backs take on the Reds on Friday, August 26, 2016 at 6:40 p.m.! Seating Options: $15 - Upper Level: Infield Reserve (section 319) $28 - Lower Level: Baseline Reserve (section 134) A portion of every ticket purchased will be donated to support an outreach ministry project to send water filters to South Sudan! After the game, stay for post-game festivities that are part of the D-Backs Faith & Family Night. There will be fireworks, followed by a player Q&A. Special guest Matthew West will be performing a concert to end the festivities. The ticket order deadline is August 19, 2016. Seating is Limited! Tickets can be purchased online at or by sending in the order form available in the narthex. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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February 2025
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