Noticias Re"Mark"adas (anuncios espanol)
Together in Faith: “My Father’s house has many rooms.” John 14:2 Jesus announces that there seems to be no shortage of space in his Father’s house. There is no limit to God’s love for those who reach out to their neighbor, who feed the hungry, care for the poor, love one another. Bishop's Committee Parishioner Liaison: Every week there will be an assigned member of the Bishop's Committee to serve as a Parishioner Liaison. We encourage parishioners to seek out this assigned member whenever there is a suggestion, question or concern. The liaisons will bring all comments to the monthly meeting of the Bishop's Committee to be addressed as appropriate. This week’s Parishioner Liaison is Terry Gordon. Reminder: Next Sunday, May 21st, it is the Lion’s Den Volunteers’ turn to host our fellowship hour. Please participate by bringing something yummy to share, as well as assisting with the setup and cleanup before and afterwards. UTO Ingathering: The last United Thank Offering ingathering will take place on Sunday, May 21st. Please put any remaining thank offerings in the collection plate. Mark your offering as UTO. Envelopes will be available in the narthex. Checks made out to St. Mark’s will be greatly appreciated. Thanks to everyone who has participated in this project. We have already collected over $500! This money will be used to help fund parish grants to do God’s work in various ways. Many service projects that churches are undertaking benefit from your generosity. Thank you! Pentecost is coming: Please join YOUR voice to our multilingual "group reading" of Acts 2:1-21! We need people of all ages with a reading knowledge of any language or dialect. The passage we will read is short (Acts 2, verses 5-11 only); your rendition need not be "perfect"; if you're shy, don't worry -- you won't be "in the spotlight"; and we'll even print out a translation for you. In past years, the Pentecost message has been heard in Arabic, English, French, German, Gullah, Igbo, Kikuyu, Latin, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese... We may need more than one speaker of each language -- the more, the better! Please contact Jan Northcutt: [email protected] or 480-621-0085. Let's make a "joyful noise" to the Lord! Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
Mark Your Calendars:
Junior Warden Schedule: Our Junior Warden, Bob Cheatham, will be keeping regularly scheduled hours at the office: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 8-10 am performing various maintenance duties; also every Friday from 7 am-11 am performing beautification, and property maintenance. If you have questions, comments or just want to help out, please call Bob Cheatham at 602-568-2701. Full announcements (pdf) Comments are closed.
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February 2025
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.