Noticios Re"Mark"adas (Anuncios en Español)
Together in Faith: The next day John the Baptizer saw Jesus coming toward him and declared, “…I myself did not know him.” John 1:29- 31 John is not the only one who can miss Jesus… we all do it. In this new year, let’s make an effort to look for Jesus in the many persons and circumstances of our lives. Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church will be Sunday, January 22nd. There will be one bilingual service at 10 am, and the meeting will be conducted during the service. There will be a review of 2016 ministry highlights, presentation of the 2017 budget, election of 2017 Bishop’s Committee members, and election of delegates to the 2017 Diocesan Convention. Following the service, there will be a pot-luck lunch in Knight Hall. Please bring a dish to share. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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September 2024
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using either PayPal or through the Diocese of Arizona using FaithStreet. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's. For FaithStreet, please select "St. Mark's Mesa" from the drop down menu under "select a fund."