![]() Invest In Hope: And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Luke 1:41 The Holy Spirit is just as active today as in Elizabeth’s time! Like Mary’s cousin, we too are often filled with this spirit of generosity, excitement, hopefulness and care for others. Pledge Drive: Please turn in your 2022 Pledge to the Church Office as soon as possible. Our Stewardship/Finance Committee is working hard to finalize our budget. Have faith that God will let you be generous with what He has given you. Giving Envelopes: Giving Envelopes for 2022 are available in the Narthex, starting this Sunday. They are in alphabetical order. Because we ordered fewer envelopes (savin' money!!), many people had their number changed, but you will see that when you look at your envelopes' numbers. For those of you not attending yet, please let us know if we should mail your envelopes to you OR if you want to come by the church on the days we are open and pick up your envelopes. Food Pantry: Our Food Pantry will continue to operate by out-side, drive thru distribution on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. The Arizona National Guard has been assisting us with this ministry however, their mission to assist us concluded in November. We hope to carry on but, we need help from volunteers who are physically able to push carts loaded with food to families cars. Our distribution in December will be on December 14th (7am to 11am) ONLY. Our set up day ia the Monday prior from 8am to 10am. We would like and appreciate help from volunteers on both days, but any time you can spare would be most appreciated! Food Pantry Volunteers are all vaccinated and clients are asked to wear masks and stay in their cars. We welcome you to join our mission to feed the hungry in Mesa! December Tithing: St. Mark’s is still present and desperately needs your support. If you normally bring an envelope with a check to church, you can instead mail that envelope to the church office, at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 322 N Horne St, Mesa, AZ 85203. If you usually give loose cash to the church, you can instead write a check and mail, or you can donate via the PayPal button on the right or here through FaithStreet - on the "Choose a Fund" drop down menus, scroll to choose "St. Mark's, Mesa". You can also do online payments through your bank, through the Bill Pay option. You could even set up a recurring payment through your bank if you wish, so you will not forget. God Bless and Stay Safe, Dianne Nunez, Stewardship/Finance Chair. MarkDowns Thrift Store: The thrift store is OPEN on Friday and Saturday from 9AM till 1PM. We are also looking for volunteers to help in the store. Please contact Diane Lewis at: [email protected] or call or text 480-414-5497 Mark Your Calendars:
CURRENT SERVICES: You can join us for services live at the following times, or watch the recording any time at your convenience:
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February 2025
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.