Invest In Hope: Jesus asked his disciples, “What were you arguing about on the way?” But they were silent, for on the way they had argued with one another about who was the greatest. Mark 9:33-34 Even Jesus’ closest friends had a hard time understanding the command that his followers be the last of all and servant of all. Good stewardship is a wonderful way to be the servant of others. Mask Update: Following NEW updates from the CDC and the Diocesan Office, the St. Mark’s Bishop’s Committee has decided to update the Mask Mandate. Going forward, individuals who have been vaccinated may now attend worship services without masks if they choose. Mask wearing continues to be mandatory for people who are not fully vaccinated. We do ask that you still observe social distancing. If you feel that you are vulnerable, please continue to wear your mask. If you are sick, please stay home. All services will continue to be broadcast online. Food Pantry: Our Food Pantry will continue to operate by out-side, drive thru distribution on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. The Arizona National Guard has been assisting us with this ministry however, their mission to assist us is concluding on September second. We hope to carry on, but we need help from volunteers who are physically able to push carts loaded with food to families cars. Our distributions in September will be September 14th (7am to 11am) and September 28th (7am to 11am). Our set up day s are the Monday prior from 8am to 10am. We would like and appreciate help from volunteers all four days, but any time you can spare would be most appreciated! Food Pantry Volunteers are all vaccinated and clients are asked to wear masks and stay in their cars. We welcome you to join our mission to feed the hungry in Mesa! September Tithing: St. Mark’s is still present and desperately needs your support. If you normally bring an envelope with a check to church, you can instead mail that envelope to the church office, at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 322 N Horne St, Mesa, AZ 85203. If you usually give loose cash to the church, you can instead write a check and mail, or you can donate via the PayPal button on the right or here through FaithStreet - on the "Choose a Fund" drop down menus, scroll to choose "St. Mark's, Mesa". You can also do online payments through your bank, through the Bill Pay option. You could even set up a recurring payment through your bank if you wish, so you will not forget. God Bless and Stay Safe, Dianne Nunez, Stewardship/Finance Chair. St. Mark's One-Room Schoolhouse event: Hello everyone! We are thrilled to announce the first meeting of church school will be on Sunday September 26th at 9:10 am in our courtyard. As we relax under our beautiful new canopy, we start by welcoming everyone and getting name tags. Then our wonderful Kathy Smith will read a short Bible story and lead us in prayer. After that we will gather at the tables with our teachers for a craft and snack. We plan to have an event once a month, and will let you know when the next one will be. Upcoming Ministry Meetings: NONE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Mark Your Calendars:
CURRENT SERVICES: You can join us for services live at the following times, or watch the recording any time at your convenience:
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We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using either PayPal or through the Diocese of Arizona using FaithStreet. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's. For FaithStreet, please select "St. Mark's Mesa" from the drop down menu under "select a fund."
September 2024
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using either PayPal or through the Diocese of Arizona using FaithStreet. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's. For FaithStreet, please select "St. Mark's Mesa" from the drop down menu under "select a fund."