![]() Invest In Hope: "There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores.” Luke 16:19-20 It’s remarkable how many of Jesus parables and sayings revolve around money and wealth and the lack thereof. Clearly, when Jesus spoke of the kingdom of heaven he was focused on social justice and equity. Let’s Celebrate This Christmas Together At St. Mark’s: After we announced our fundraising drive for Christmas Together, many of you immediately donated. We can not thank you enough for your generosity. This was the first prong of our campaign, to raise much-needed cash. The second prong is to bring in new members to our Spanish and English services. Each of these elements is necessary to grow our community of faith and allow us to survive into the future. We continue to ask those who have not yet donated, to please do so. Any amount helps. The Diocese of Arizona has approved a $25,000 Covid relief payment to St. Mark’s which will also alleviate some of the urgent needs. St. Mark’s, being an older facility, is facing a major sewer rebuild. This is an unexpected expense, and one of many that often occur behind the scenes that our members do not see or know about. Please continue to pray for St. Mark’s, invite friends, family and neighbors to events or services, and donate. If you love St. Mark’s, please continue to give. “For where your treasure is, there your heart is also”. We have so many options that there is no excuse to give generously. You can use check, cash, online payment direct from your bank account, or PayPal. Please make a note indicating “Christmas” as the designation. We also continue to collect your coins! How far will they stretch? If you love St. Mark’s, NOW is the time to donate. As Fr. G said, “If we do not gather, we will scatter”. God Bless and let us all be cheerful givers! Dianne Nunez, Stewardship and Faithful Fundraisers Chair. Sunday School is Back!: Beginning today, Sunday Sept. 11th at 9 to 9:45 AM, we are back to our One Room School House for Sunday School in the Parish Hall. Kids of all ages are welcome and encouraged. We will be meeting every Sunday from now on, except on special days with notice, to gather for a video song (just like at VBS) a Bible Lesson, and then we'll split into age group for younger and older kids, diving into the lesson at their age level, with activities, crafts and learning how Awesome is Our God! We have lots of fun events planned for the fall like our Blessing of the Animals and our Annual Halloween Carnival! Show up on Sunday Sept. 11th at 9am for all the fun and information! We can't wait to see you! For more information, contact Dianne Nunez at 480-641-8073 or email at [email protected]. Food Pantry: Distribution for the month of October will be October 11th and October 25th. Our set up days will be Monday, October 10th and Monday, October 24th, 8AM-11AM. Volunteers are welcome and appreciated! Come any of these days or all! Join our team and help feed the hungry in our community! May God bless you for supporting St. Mark’s Food Pantry! Daughters of the King: : The Daughters of the King are collecting women’s hygiene items for the Apache Junction Women’s Center. These items may be left in the Narthex. We are asking for: all feminine hygiene products, shampoo, soap and body wash and deodorant. Contact Cyndi Armstrong for more information. MarkDowns Thrift Store:The St Mark’s Thrift Store has reopened. Our hours this year will be: Food Pantry Tuesdays: 8AM to 12 PM. Friday and Saturday, 9AM to 1PM. And Sundays between services. Gently used items are gratefully welcome for donation during business hours. If you would like to volunteer at the Thrift Store, please contact Diane Lewis or Kathy Cheatham. CURRENT SERVICES: You can join us for services live at the following times, or watch the recording any time at your convenience:
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February 2025
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.