![]() Invest In Hope: When Jesus saw the woman…crippled for eighteen years, he called her over and said, "Woman, you are set free from your ailment." Luke 13-12 Jesus set many people free, and he invites us to do likewise. Support of medical efforts, especially on behalf of the poor and needy, is exactly what Jesus would do today. Let’s Celebrate This Christmas Together At St. Mark’s: We are announcing our fundraising drive to keep St. Mark’s a vibrant, loving, Gospel-living presence in Mesa. We need everyone’s help NOW to make it happen. There are two prongs to this campaign: one is to bring new members to our church in both the Spanish and the English service; and the second is to raise much-needed cash IMMEDIATELY. The first element will help us continue to grow our community of faith, the second is necessary to allow us to survive until Christmas, as well as grow. If we do not raise enough money, we will not be here for Christmas. We ask you to donate NOW. We have so many options that there is no excuse to give generously. You can use check, cash, online direct from your bank account, or PayPal from our website www.stmarksmesa.org. Please make a note indicating “Christmas” as the designation. We will be keeping track on a fundraising thermometer. We also continue to collect your coins as part of the same fundraiser. Every contribution helps! How far will they stretch? If you love St. Mark’s, NOW is the time to donate. As Fr. G said, “If we do not gather, we will scatter”. God Bless and let us all be cheerful givers! Dianne Nunez, Stewardship and Faithful Fundraisers Chair. Food Pantry: Distribution for the month of August will be August 9th and August 23rd. Our set up days will be Monday, August 8th and Monday, August 22nd, 8AM-11AM. Volunteers are welcome and appreciated! Come any of these days or all! Join our team and help feed the hungry in our community! May God bless you for supporting St. Mark’s Food Pantry! Daughters of the King: : The Daughters of the King are collecting women’s hygiene items for the Apache Junction Women’s Center. These items may be left in the Narthex. We are asking for: all feminine hygiene products, shampoo, soap and body wash and deodorant. Contact Cyndi Armstrong for more information. MarkDowns Thrift Store: The thrift store is now closed until FALL. We are also looking for volunteers to help in the store. Please contact Diane Lewis at [email protected] or call or text 480-414-5497 or Kathy Cheatham at 602-578-7538. CURRENT SERVICES: You can join us for services live at the following times, or watch the recording any time at your convenience:
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February 2025
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.