Invest In Hope: And the disciples called to Bartimaeus, the blind man, saying, “Take heart; get up, Jesus is calling you.” Mark 10:49
When Bartimaeus approached him, Jesus asked, “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asks us the same question. Let’s take heart and respond honestly, telling the Lord what it is that we want him to do for us. Church School: "Let all that you do be done with love." 1 Corinthians 16:14. In the narthex you will find the "I love...tree", ready for you to add a leaf to it each Sunday. Feel free to write or draw something on the leaf and add it to the tree as you enter or leave church. Organized by St. Mark's Church School Halloween Party: Mark your calendars for the St. Mark’s Halloween Party coming on Saturday, October 30, 2021 from 12 till 3PM. More information will be shared next week. In the meantime, we are asking for volunteers to work the games during this time. We are asking for donations of glass soda bottles. Additionally, donations of travel size toothpaste, socks, toothbrushes, etc. to be used as part of a game of trick or treat. These non-perishable items can be dropped off at the church office on Tuesday and Friday from 9AM till 12PM. We will also need cakes donated for the cake walk. All cakes will need to be purchased and in original containers. Unfortunately, we cannot accept homemade cakes. Those can be dropped off on Friday the 29th only from 9 till 12 since they are perishable. Come join the fun! Food Pantry: Our Food Pantry will continue to operate by out-side, drive thru distribution on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. The Arizona National Guard has been assisting us with this ministry however, their mission to assist us is concluding on September second. We hope to carry on, but we need help from volunteers who are physically able to push carts loaded with food to families cars. Our distributions in September will be September 14th (7am to 11am) and September 28th (7am to 11am). Our set up day s are the Monday prior from 8am to 10am. We would like and appreciate help from volunteers all four days, but any time you can spare would be most appreciated! Food Pantry Volunteers are all vaccinated and clients are asked to wear masks and stay in their cars. We welcome you to join our mission to feed the hungry in Mesa! At the November 23rd distribution, Food Pantry volunteers will be giving out $10 Walmart gift cards. Families will be able to purchase a meat of their choice for Thanksgiving. If you would like to help a family celebrate Thanksgiving you may give a donation at the table outside the Narthex. Volunteers will be collecting before each Sunday service leading up to Thanksgiving. October Tithing: St. Mark’s is still present and desperately needs your support. If you normally bring an envelope with a check to church, you can instead mail that envelope to the church office, at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 322 N Horne St, Mesa, AZ 85203. If you usually give loose cash to the church, you can instead write a check and mail, or you can donate via the PayPal button on the right or here through FaithStreet - on the "Choose a Fund" drop down menus, scroll to choose "St. Mark's, Mesa". You can also do online payments through your bank, through the Bill Pay option. You could even set up a recurring payment through your bank if you wish, so you will not forget. God Bless and Stay Safe, Dianne Nunez, Stewardship/Finance Chair. MarkDowns Thrift Store: The thrift store will be OPEN on Friday and Saturday from 9AM till 1PM. Mark Your Calendars:
CURRENT SERVICES: You can join us for services live at the following times, or watch the recording any time at your convenience:
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February 2025
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using PayPal. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's.