Today's Readings: Acts 2:14a,36-41; Psalm 116:1-3, 10-17; 1 Peter 1:17-23; Luke 24:13-35
Noticias Re"Mark"adas (anuncios espanol) Together in Faith: While the two disciples were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and went with them, but their eyes were kept from recognizing him. Luke 24:15-16 In failing to recognize Jesus, the experience of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus is hardly unique. Jesus can be irritatingly hard to recognize! But as stewards, it’s our task to discern the presence of Jesus in all those who need our compassion… whether in our family, our circle of friends and church community, but also in the needy, those who can especially be assisted by our time, our energy, our resources. Bishop's Committee Parishioner Liaison: Every week there will be an assigned member of the Bishop's Committee to serve as a Parishioner Liaison. We encourage parishioners to seek out this assigned member whenever there is a suggestion, question or concern. The liaisons will bring all comments to the monthly meeting of the Bishop's Committee to be addressed as appropriate. This week’s Parishioner Liaison is Anali Perry. Liturgical Decorations: The fresh flowers on the Altar are sponsored today by John and Carol Banker in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary. Summer Service Time Change Ballot Results: We received a total of 66 ballots in response to having one English service at 10 am during the summer months: 60-Responded Yes (with 6 of those wanting the service earlier; and 3 wanting this change all year long) 6—Responded No. This change has successfully happened in years past at St. Mark’s, so with that in mind along with the overwhelming majority response, we will begin “Summer Service Times” on Sunday, June 4th (Pentecost), one Praise service at 10 am. A schedule will be posted in the Narthex, on our web page and Facebook page shortly. We will resume normal service times on September 10th. During this timeframe, the Spanish service will move to the front lawn at 8 am for Mass on the Grass. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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Junior Warden Schedule: Our Junior Warden, Bob Cheatham, will be keeping regularly scheduled hours at the office: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 8-10 am performing various maintenance duties; also every Friday from 7 am-11 am performing beautification, and property maintenance. If you have questions, comments or just want to help out, please call Bob Cheatham at 602-568-2701. Full announcements (pdf) Comments are closed.
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February 2025
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