Together in Faith: Now after the wise men had left, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. Matthew 2:13
The hero of this chapter of Matthew’s gospel is Joseph. He’s the one who receives heavenly messages, he’s the one who acts to protect Jesus and Mary. In his openness to God’s call and his responsiveness to his responsibilities, Joseph is a model of what a Christian steward should be. Let’s strive to emulate Joseph during this new year. Convention Delegates: If you would like to be a candidate for delegate to the 2017 Annual Diocesan Convention in Phoenix, please contact Gloria in the office. All members in good standing in the Episcopal Church are eligible to run. Delegates will be elected at the Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, January 22, 2017. Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church will be Sunday, January 22nd. There will be one bilingual service at 10 am, and the meeting will be conducted during the service. There will be a review of 2016 ministry highlights, presentation of the 2017 budget, election of 2017 Bishop’s Committee members, and election of delegates to the 2017 Diocesan Convention. Following the service, there will be a pot-luck lunch in Knight Hall. Please bring a dish to share. Reminder: Next Sunday, January 8th, it is the Lion’s Den Volunteers’ turn to host our fellowship hour. Please participate by bringing something yummy to share, as well as assisting with the setup and cleanup before and afterwards. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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February 2025
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