Together in Faith: Jesus spoke up and said to him, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” Luke 7:40
Simon, Jesus’ host at a dinner, probably had no idea what Jesus was going to say to him. It turned out to be a rebuke, a challenge really. Challenging sayings can come to us too, perhaps in actual words from another, or in something or someone that we see, or in an insight that suddenly strikes us. A Christian should always be ready to hear what God might wish to say to us. Liturgical Decorations: The flowers on the Altar are sponsored today by Judith Warinner in loving memory of Byron C. Warinner. Father’s Day: There will be one English service on Father’s Day at 10 am and a Spanish service at 12 pm. Following the English service, ECW will be hosting a casual upgraded Lion’s Den for all the men of our church. Can anyone say bacon? Join us at Knight Hall after the 10 am service. Property Clean-Up & Maintenance: We need volunteers Saturday morning, June 18th at 6 am to help mow the lawn area and clean up the property. All of us doing our share will relieve the burden on the few. Upcoming Ministry Meetings:
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February 2025
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