Together in Faith: Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14
Encouraged by the heavenly call of God, St. Paul invites us to press on to the goal. In another Scripture, we hear how we should press on: we should feed the hungry, we should care for the sick, we should reach out to the needy, we should welcome the newcomer. Stewardship is no less than doing these simple but challenging things. Friday Lenten Soup Supper: This This Friday’s soup supper will be at Church of Transfiguration, 514 S. Mountain Rd in Mesa. The soup supper will begin at 6 pm with Station of the Cross to follow at 6:30 pm. This is a real opportunity to come together in fellowship and worship with another Episcopal church community. ECW Meeting: The next meeting for ECW will be in the Conference Room, today following the 11 am service. The meeting will last one hour. All women are encouraged to attend and to join us in fellowship and service. For more information, please contact Jeanette Rogers by email at [email protected]. Pops Concert: Please come and hear St. Mark’s resident orchestra, directed by Julie Mahoney and Chris Perry! The East Valley Pops is presenting a concert -- free of charge -- at St. Mark’s on Tuesday, March 15th at 7pm. The 65-person orchestra will be presenting a mixture of show tunes and popular songs. A goodwill offering will be taken during the concert which will be shared with St. Mark’s. “The Pride” Men’s Club Meeting: The next meeting of “The Pride” of St. Mark's is scheduled for this Wednesday, March 16th at 6 pm in Knight Hall. Food and beverages will be provided. Please RSVP to Jim McManus at 480-324-1345 or [email protected] so that we can accommodate everyone for dinner. Sunday School Schedule: There will be NO Sunday school class or Chapel on Sunday, March 13th, 20th or 27th. The children can report in the court- yard for the Palm Sunday procession prior to 9:30 am on March 20th. On Easter Sunday, March 27th, our annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held following the 9:30 am service and all children from all services are invited to participate. **We could use donations of candy to fill Easter Eggs for the Egg Hunt. Peanut Free candy and candy that won't melt is desired. We would also gladly accept pre-filled eggs. Thank you, from the Teachers. Easter Flowers: Memorialize a loved one or offer thanks by supporting our Liturgical Arrangements ministry at Easter. Please fill out an Easter Flowers form found in the pew pockets or Narthex and enclose it with your payment in the envelope provided. Please turn in all requests no later than Wednesday, March 16th. Tartan Day Concert by the Mesa Caledonian Pipe Band: The Mesa Caledonian Pipe Band has made St. Mark’s our rehearsal home since 1980. We want to invite you all to a Tartan Day Concert at St. Mark’s on Saturday April 9th, 2016 at 2pm. There will be bagpipers and drummers, and the award winning Highland Dancers from the Arizona Academy of Highland Dance. Tickets are $10 each, and kids 10 years and under are free. There will be a reception following in Knight Hall with auction and raffles. Proceeds will benefit the educational and performance programs of MCPB, a non-profit organization, and St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. For tickets and info please contact Dianne Nunez at (480) 641-8073 or [email protected]. Tickets will also be sold at the door. Please invite your friends and family for a fun and exciting event! Mark Your Calendars:
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February 2025
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