Each Sunday we will be live streaming our English service at 10:00 AM on our Facebook page. (You don't need a Facebook account to watch- just click the "Join online services button on the right!) If you miss the service, you can always watch it later! Follow along in the Book of Common Prayer, The Holy Eucharist: Rite One on page 323 (or the Online Book of Common Prayer) Today's Readings: The Liturgy of the Palms: Matthew 21:1-11; Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29. The Liturgy of the Word: Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 31:9-16; Philippians 2:5-11; Matthew 27:11-54 Invest In Hope: “If anyone says anything to you, just say this, 'The Lord needs them,' and he will send them immediately." Matthew 21- 3 Jesus sends some disciples to fetch two donkeys so He can ride into Jerusalem, and if challenged, to say only, “The Lord needs them.” As we begin Holy Week, it’s good to remember: the Lord needs more than donkeys. He needs us too! He needs us to carry the Easter message of suffering followed by exaltation, death followed by resurrection, despair followed by joy. COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) CLOSURE: At the direction of the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona, St. Mark’s is cancelling all IN-PERSON worship services, classes, meetings, and events until at least April 20, 2020. We will continue to provide services online on St. Mark’s Episcopal Church’s Facebook page. Additionally, we will post services provided by the Diocese of Arizona and the National Cathedral. The Church office is closed to walk-in traffic at this time in order to limit exposure. In addition, clergy and staff will work remotely as much as possible. For Pastoral Emergencies, please call Fr. Gerardo Brambila at 602-405- 4588. If you have additional questions, you may also call Parish Administrator, Gloria McManus at 480-560-9505 How To Find Us: We will be broadcasting various services on BOTH Facebook pages: St. Mark's Episcopal Church-Mesa, AZ—or—St. Mark's Episcopal Church Mesa; with information here on our webpage: www.stmarksmesa.org. Invest in Hope Matching Capital Campaign: We have a family in our parish that is willing to move their bequest forward from their deaths into 2020, where it will be sorely needed. But they would also like to have other parishioners participate. So they invite and challenge us to give to the campaign, and they will match our donations dollar for dollar, up to $50,000 on their part. Write "Match" in the memo line of your check to identify your contribution or if giving cash, place in a giving envelope found in the pews and write your name and “match” on the front. Upcoming Ministry Meetings: NONE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Mark Your Calendars:
Holy Week:
Full announcements and prayer list (pdf) Comments are closed.
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using either PayPal or through the Diocese of Arizona using FaithStreet. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's. For FaithStreet, please select "St. Mark's Mesa" from the drop down menu under "select a fund."
September 2024
We appreciate your secure online donation to St. Mark's, using either PayPal or through the Diocese of Arizona using FaithStreet. PayPal sends your donation directly to St. Mark's. For FaithStreet, please select "St. Mark's Mesa" from the drop down menu under "select a fund."